4 Reasons to Grill This Fall

4 Reasons to Grill This Fall

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For many of us, grilling is a nearly year-round activity. Sure, for some, it’s synonymous with summertime, warm weather, and sunshine. It’s nice to get out of a stuffy kitchen when the weather is hot. But it can be fun to grill any time, and it’s a great way to have healthy and flavorful meals that feed your family and meet your nutritional goals.

Here are some reasons to keep firing up the grill after the summer season turns to fall.

1. It’s Outdoors 

Even though kids may be back in school and vacations may wind down after Labor Day, that doesn’t mean the weather completely changes on a dime. In fact, in many places, fall can be more mild and pleasant than the summer. And what better way to take advantage of it than cooking outdoors? After a long day, there are few things as relaxing as admiring the changing colors of the leaves while cooking up a delicious dinner.

2. It’s Faster

Since cooking on the grill is high-heat, it’s usually faster than other methods like boiling, sauteing, or roasting. For example, this Grilled Flank Steak with Tomato Salad recipe takes just 10 minutes. Depending on the type of grill, the setup may take additional time. A gas grill is instantaneous while a charcoal grill can take 10 to 15 minutes to heat. However, to make it more efficient, you can be warming the coals while you’re prepping the food

3.  It Uses Fewer Dishes

Since you can cook directly on the grates in most cases, grilling allows you to use fewer dishes. Not only is this simpler, but it can save time on cleanup. Whenever you can, opt to clean anything you used to prep while your foods are cooking. Since most things need to be flipped or moved every few minutes, this helps make the most of your downtime without going too far away from the grill.

4. It Uses Less Added Fat

Our bodies need some dietary fat to thrive, and there are many healthy foods that are high in dietary fats. However, one easy way to decrease your overall calorie and dietary fat intake is by reducing the amount of added fats like olive oil, canola oil, or butter that you use during cooking. Grilling gives foods a delicious flavor and texture without relying on cooking methods like frying. And you’ll probably use less added oil than sauteing or baking if you lightly coat your foods in oil before grilling. This can help you make meals you’ll look forward to eating and help you meet your nutrition goals.

The Bottom Line

Grilling might seem intimidating if you don’t do it often, but why not give it a try? Plus, extending your grilling season can help you get more comfortable with the method while reaping the benefits it can provide. Whether you want to save time, cut down on cleanup, or eat in a more nutritious way, grilling is the way to go.


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