Laugh Your Way to Better Health

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Laughter heals all wounds, and that's one thing that everybody shares. No matter what you're going through, it makes you forget about your problems. I think the world should keep laughing. ~ Kevin Hart

July hosts International Joke Day. But everyone knows good health is no laughing matter. A healthy diet, which includes foods like yogurt, is important for healthy digestion.

By the way, do you know why the yogurt went to the opera?

Because it was cultured. (Ba-dum-bum.)

But seriously, research has shown eating protein-rich foods can assist in building muscle mass. Take the French, for example.

Do you know why French people eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food. (Cue laugh track.)

Sorry. A thousand apologies for the corny jokes.

By the way, do you know what you call an apology written in dots and dashes?

A re-Morse code. (Sad trombone sound effect.)

Though we may groan and roll our eyes at the goofy riddles, there’s a little part in us that laughs too. The truth is, laughing comes naturally. Just watch any baby—they crack their first smile within a few weeks of being born, and their first laugh comes soon after. A baby’s laughter comes from deep in the belly. When they think something is funny—and it doesn’t take much—they don’t hold back. Since laughter is contagious, the sound of a small child’s pure, authentic laughter often brings a smile to even the most jaded person’s face.

The Benefits of Laughter

Somewhere along the road from childhood to adulthood, life gets more serious, and we forget to laugh. But a sense of humor has numerous (and surprising) physical, mental, and social benefits.

Take a look at the following positive effects a strong funny bone can have:

Benefits for Physical Health

  • boosts immune system
  • decreases stress hormones
  • helps with muscle relaxation
  • helps prevent heart disease
  • increases pain tolerance and decreases pain

 Benefits for Mental Health

  • increases joy
  • promotes excitement about life
  • decreases tension and anxiety
  • decreases stress
  • lifts mood
  • promotes resilience

 Social Benefits

  • makes relationships stronger
  • makes us more attractive to others
  • improves teamwork
  • increases a sense of unity
  • diffuses conflict
  • helps groups bond with each other

 How to Laugh More

Some people are naturally funny. But we can all improve our sense of humor with practice. The goal isn’t to be the class clown or the life of the party—unless you want to be. The health benefits show up with any kind of laughter, ranging from a simple “Heh,” to losing your breath and falling out of your chair. Here are some ideas to help you work more laughter into your days:

      Read joke books. Make it a habit to share at least one (clean) joke a day with a colleague, friend, or family member.

      Watch funny movies and TV shows. I Love Lucy reruns are fantastic.

      Search for funny pet videos on YouTube. Funny baby videos are great too.

      Do things that make you happy. Humor is closely related to happiness. If you’re not a jokes person, simply spend time each day doing something that makes you smile.

      Learn to laugh at yourself. Taking yourself too seriously leads to high stress levels. None of us is perfect. Find humor in the fact that you left your keys in the refrigerator or let your Prius run out of gas.

While a good sense of humor is a wonderful coping skill, it may not come easily to everyone. If you or someone you know struggles to find enjoyment in life or has little pleasure in things that once brought you joy, it could be a sign of depression. Seek help from your doctor or a qualified therapist.

Speaking of doctors, do you know the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist?

One treats what you have, and the other thinks you have what he treats.

©PAS Wellbeing Media, LLC


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