Alcohol Use

September 07, 2020

Did you know you could have a drinking problem without being an alcoholic? You might not be completely dependent on alcohol, but if you still drink excessively, it can lead to serious problems.  About 17 million U.S. adults have an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), as well as about 3.4% of teens.


In the U.S., a standard drink contains 0.6 fluid ounces of pure alcohol. This translates to:

  • 12 oz. of beer (5% alcohol content)
  • 8 oz. malt liquor (7% alcohol content)
  • 5 oz. wine (12% alcohol content)
  • 1.5 oz. 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (40% alcohol content)

Moderate drinking is defined as no more than one drink per day for women and two for men. For some people, it’s advised to avoid alcohol completely. These include those who are:

  • Pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  • Taking prescription drugs that shouldn’t be mixed with alcohol
  • Younger than 21-years-old
  • Recovering from alcoholism
  • Experiencing  a  medical  condition  possibly affected by alcohol
  • Planning to drive or complete other activities requiring alertness


There are both short and long-term effects of excessive drinking and intoxication.   Lowered inhibitions and interference with speech and muscle coordination are some of the short-term effects. Heavy binge drinking may impair your memory or even cause a coma or death.  The effects of long-term excessive drinking include digestive   problems,   difficulty   with   sexual functioning,   heart   problems,   liver   disease, neurological problems, and an increased risk of cancer.


People who regularly binge drink or begin at an early age are at a high risk for alcoholism. Those with a family history of substance abuse and people who have a mental illness are also at risk. In addition, look for the following signs that indicate alcoholism:

  • Strong compulsions to drink
  • Inability to limit alcohol intake
  • Developing  an  alcohol  tolerance  (drinking more to feel the same effects)
  • Hiding drinking habits from others
  • Experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms
  • Inability   to   remember   conversations or events while drunk, known as “blackouts”
  • Relationship, employment, or financial problems due to drinking
  • Loss of interest in once pleasurable activities


✓ Schedule an appointment for a check-up with your primary care provider.

✓ Provide your doctor with an honest and forthright report of your alcohol use.

✓ Recognize you may need to be admitted to rehab to completely detox.

✓  Seek   out   individual   counseling   from professionals specializing in addictions.

✓ Participate  in  support  groups  such  as Alcoholics Anonymous.

✓ Make lifestyle changes to support reduced alcohol use or abstinence.

✓  Enlist the support of friends and family who are not also dependent on alcohol.


Alcoholism  and  excessive  drinking  is  not something to take lightly. If you or someone you know struggles with this, be courageous and seek help. Consider reaching out to your health  care  provider  and  engaging  other counseling resources for guidance on next steps.

Want to talk to a counselor today about this? 

Call us at 800-453-7733 and ask for your “Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation" with one of our licensed counselors. We’ll listen, answer questions you may have, and help you plan next steps.qw

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