1. Common Core Christian Values

Not unlike familiar brands such as Hobby Lobby and Chic-fil-A, Amplified Life was also founded on common, core Christian principles. Drawing its name from the "Amplified" translation of the Bible, Amplified Life's founders, Lyle and Susan Labardee have endeavored to develop and lead a practice of like-minded, yet diverse, professionals dedicated to exercising clinical excellence and the love of Christ in everything they do, and that includes bringing best practices in counseling care to people of all walks of life.

2. Proven, Trusted, Provider

Amplified Life's origins began with Lyle and Susan Labardee founding Crisis Care Network, in 1997. Within 5 years, Crisis Care Network earned Ernst and Young's West Michigan Entrepreneur of the Year award following its national-level response to 9/11. Building on their success developing Crisis Care Network Care, Lyle and Susan Labardee established Amplified Life Network in 2012 to bring the full spectrum of behavioral health care and counseling excellence to individuals, employers, churches and others throughout West Michigan.

3. Six-Acre Wellbeing Campus

Our Amplified Life organization provides our clients with access to a one-of-a-kind, private, nature-centered wellbeing campus in the heart of Byron Center. Reinforcing its holistic approach to wellbeing, Amplified Life's campus includes wooded walking trails, scenic views, private outdoor counseling spaces, ADA-accessible counseling rooms, ten unique therapy rooms in two adjacent buildings, and a 1000 sq ft space perfect for facilitating groups and training.

4. Full-Time "Care Team"

Our "Care Team" is led by a full-time office manager who is highly versed in every aspect of clinical counseling, support-centered intake processes, and management of complex family situations involving attorneys, subpoenas and Friend of the Court matters. Our office manager is also supported by a full-time, in-house insurance billing specialist who expertly verifies insurance coverages, and ensures maximum available coverage for care. Our Care Team seamlessly works together to support our clients and our therapists every step of the way.

5. Commitment to Quality Care

Our commitment to quality care and value for excellence is shared by all of our employees including our Care Team, Clinical Director and each one of our therapists. By investing in its staff and therapists as employees, and providing them with competitve pay and benefits, comprehensive administrative and clinical support, accountability measures, continuing education, and technology-enabled resources, Amplified Life reliably and consistently extends quality care to those it serves.

6. Secure, Technology-Enabled Support

We understand that behavioral health technology, above all, should ensure privacy and ease of access to care. Building on its 20+ years bringing technology-enabled solutions to behavioral healthcare, Amplified Life uses leading apps like Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Simple Practice and Google Workspace to provide its clients with the ability to seamlessly and securely connect with their therapists and others who support their care.

7. Coordinated Care Model

We understand that while you may be seeking individual counseling services for yourself or a family member, counseling concerns always involve others such as spouses, family members, colleagues, classmates, etc., and sometimes also includes physicians, specialists, teachers, employers, attorneys and courts. More than a group of practitioners with various levels of individual experience in these areas, Amplified Life brings its entire team of professionals, including its Care Team, healthcare attorney, Clinical Director and all its therapists, together as needed to advocate for our clients and coordinate care with others as needed.

8. In-House Insurance & Network Specialist

We're all consumers of healthcare, and we appreciate the importance of fully applying healthcare benefits to the care we seek. That's why we have a dedicated, in-house, insurance specialist who helps every client we serve understand their healthcare coverage as it relates to our service, and works with them and their insurer to ensure maximum coverage for the services they're seeking. We also help our clients access affordable care by continuously expanding the number of networks our therapists participate in, and assisting our clients with private pay options as needed.

9. Connected Community Leader

We practice what we preach. As much as we remind our clients that wellbeing is not a purely individual pursuit and must include connection and service to others, we recognize that we too must be connected with the community in which we serve. And so, you'll find us out there, in our Byron Center community, connected and giving back to a number of other community organizations and intiatives including local churches, non-profits, kids' sports, community events, etc.

10. "Wrap-Around" Wellbeing Support

More than the clinical expertise of a single therapist, we support our clients with an unmatched supply of high-quality, interactive, wellbeing media resources. Produced by a highly talented, multi-disciplinary group of writers, designers, and editors, our wellbeing videos and interactive media is easy to access and shareable. Amplified Life, also provides support and connection through its affiliate relationships with others in our community such as Selah, women's support group and TRV |FIT gym.

Ready for next steps?

Call our Care Team at 616-499-4711, or send an email to care@amplife.us. Our team will do their best to connect with you right away.