Job Relocation

April 05, 2020

Relocating for Work

Many people find themselves in the position of facilitating a job relocation. It may be that you have taken a new job, are part of a restructure in your organization, or have been promoted within your current company and you are now relocating for your new role. The relocation may be somewhat local, across the country, or abroad.


Regardless of why you are relocating, it can be a stressful undertaking, though it can also be an exciting opportunity. Making the best of this situation will likely require planning and preparation. Below are lists of things that you can do to ensure a successful job relocation.



Before the Move


Before you actually begin planning for the move, you want to make sure that you have all of the information that you need. Here are some questions to consider:


  • Did you negotiate relocation benefits?
  • Can you have a “try out” period before committing permanently?
  • Is the move temporary or permanent in the foreseeable future?
  • Are you provided with housing or do you need to find your own accommodations?
  • If you are provided housing, is it furnished or unfurnished? The answer to this question will help determine if you need to take your belongings, only some of them, or nothing more than a laptop and some clothing.
  • Are you moving out of your current residence, selling your home, subletting, or keeping it as is? Depending on your answer to this question, you may want to consult with a realtor, property management company, or other professional.
  • Do you need to make storage arrangements?
  • Who is moving with you? If you are moving with kids, you may need to arrange childcare or their school enrollment prior to moving. Experts also suggest that you talk to your kids about the move starting from the early planning stages. Keeping them a part of the process will help as they go through the stresses of relocation.
  • What time of year will you be moving? Is the weather going to be different than in your current location? Do you need to prepare for that?
  • Are you moving with your partner? Does he or she need to find new career options when you move? If so, they may need to begin the processing of applying or networking now.


These questions are only some of the things you may need to consider prior to moving. In this stage, you want to collect as much information as possible on what you can expect in your new location as well as what resources you will have available to you as you move and settle in.

Once you have prepared for the move, there are several things that you can do to ensure a successful process during the move.

During the Move

As you find yourself in the midst of packing and moving, be sure to hire a reliable moving company, have internet and phone services set up in your new location, cancel all such services in your current residence if you will no longer need them, and most of all, stay organized.

  • Children – Confirm that you have childcare and/or school arrangements in the new location.
  • Belongings — Keep everything organized, what you will not need should be disposed of, stored, or staying in your current residence. Everything you will need should be packed and on its way to your new residence.
  • Pets – If you have pets you may need to have accommodations set up specifically for their move.
  • Work – Stay in communication with the company to ensure that you will be where you need to be when you need to be there. Long distance moves can have unexpected delays or challenges, staying in communication will help avoid misunderstandings.
  • Medications – If you are taking any medications be sure to have the proper amount that you need until you are able to go to a physician in your new area.

There are many details to attend to as you are relocating for work, but the experience can be a successful one as long as you stay organized.

After the Move

Regardless of how exciting of an opportunity you may have with the relocation, uprooting your life can be challenging and stressful. Give it time — experts advise that the first six months of any move are the most challenging. If you are moving alone, you may want to enroll in classes or other activities outside of work to help create a new social circle or support system.


Want to talk to a counselor today about this? 

Call us at 800-453-7733 and ask for your “Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation" with one of our licensed counselors. We’ll listen, answer questions you may have, and help you plan next steps.




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