by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
When we’re constantly busy and judging our performance in life, work, and relationships, we can easily become stressed. This pressure and consistent negative thinking puts you at a greater risk of anxiety and depression. Excessive planning and problem solving can be taxing. Mindfulness is one way to redirect you away from these thoughts and start living in the moment. A meditative and relaxation practice, mindfulness is focusing on the present moment and your senses. Mindfulness reflects on these experiences in a non-judgmental way. You begin to see the world around you through a new lens, and instead of seeing life critically you start to become curious.
Why Practice Mindfulness?
There are many benefits to incorporating mindfulness into your life. From an emotional and physical standpoint, mindfulness helps fight depression, anxiety, and other mental health symptoms. Researchers have found that practicing mindfulness meditation may improve your memory, your ability to learn, and your self-esteem. Redirecting your thoughts can help you feel better about yourself, take better care of yourself, and raise your mood. Many times our minds dwell on past mistakes, fears, or even hopes for the future. Mindfulness helps us to stay in the present and keeps us calm enough to practice good decision-making. Our work life can also improve when we spend less time on negative thoughts. Mindfulness allows us to be more creative and thoughtful in our work.
How to Practice Mindfulness
Learn the meditative practice of mindfulness by following the steps listed:
When to Practice Mindfulness
The following tips will help you discover the best time to engage in mindfulness:
When you practice mindfulness, great things can happen. Instead of mindlessly eating in front of the television each day to deal with stress, you can experience all this world has to offer. In short, being mindful takes you off autopilot to notice new things with greater enthusiasm.
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
Lyle Labardee