by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Organizational Skills
Staying organized is essential to accomplishing our goals. When we streamline clutter and get rid of waste we can focus more of our resources on what we feel is most important in life. While organizational skills are necessary, different things work for different people. What does organization look like for you? You don’t need a complicated, color-coded system to organize your life if something else works better. To identify what organizational strategy works for you, just ask yourself a few important questions. As you respond, thoughtfully consider where your organizational strengths and areas for improvement can be found.
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
Tips to Stay Organized
Some people are naturally more organized than others. Even if you’re not characteristically structured and orderly, there are ways to learn this behavior. Here are several strategies for clutter removal, proper planning, and time management that can help you develop greater organizational skills:
Tackling Clutter
Plan of Success
Time Management
Finally, you might want to try and associate organization with positive feelings. While implementing organizational strategies, consider playing music that puts you in a good mood or having a picture of those you love or scenery you find peaceful on hand. You know you’ll feel good when the task is complete, and there isn’t any reason why you can’t enjoy your progress on the road to success.
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
Lyle Labardee