Spiritual Wellness: Your Meaning and Purpose
Spirituality is the term often used in regard to matters of faith, the human spirit, and beliefs about a higher power, or powers. While in the past spirituality was generally believed to be a personal matter, changes in cultural and societal norms have shifted this dynamic and the role of spirituality in overall physical and mental wellness is recognized in healthcare, education, and the workplace. In fact, organizations such as the Center for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society even recognize the role of spirituality in a wide range of areas, from treating cancer to overcoming tobacco dependence.
Developing one’s spirituality is thought to be a significant factor in achieving and maintaining physical, mental, and social wellness. Activities that can help you focus on your spiritual beliefs or relationships include:
The ways in which you can develop or deepen your spiritual wellness are nearly endless and you may even find a combination of approaches works best for you. Regardless of how you connect to spiritual wellness, doing so may help you find meaning in your day to day activities and purpose for your life overall.
Meaning and Purpose
The belief in a meaning and purpose to life can be described as the way we make sense of the world and the significance we place on what happens in our lives. While the meaning that each of us ascribe to our lives is often varied and differs from one person to the next, research has found that generally having a belief that life has meaning is a significant factor in psychological wellbeing and one’s ability to overcome challenges and obstacles in life.
Believing in meaning beyond the day to day logistics of working, going to school, grocery shopping, and so forth helps you feel that there is a purpose to what you are doing and your life overall. Ascribing purpose to challenges and hardships that we encounter can help deal with such circumstances in a positive way.
Cultivating Meaning and Purpose
More and more research is finding that having meaning and purpose in life is closely linked to overall health and wellness and positive functioning. It is therefore important to cultivate meaning and purpose in your life. Below is a list of questions to ask yourself as you explore who you are and what you can do to feel that life has meaning and purpose. Many of these questions may seem to direct you into altruistic endeavors, and that’s because a big part of feeling that our lives having meaning and purpose comes down to being able to help others.
The meaning and purpose you believe in for your own life may change overtime or evolve with your other belief systems. It may be important to revisit these activities at different points in your life as you continue to develop your spiritual wellness.
Lyle Labardee, MS, LPC is a licensed behavioral health therapist and former first responder who specializes in first responder wellness. He also serves as CEO of Amplified Life, a leading provider of counseling, coaching, consulting and critical incident response services. Amplified Life stands ready to support you in the very important work you do. Please feel free to contact us at any time as needed by calling or emailing our Care Team at 616-499-4711 | care@amplife.us.
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
Ani Kazarian