Resiliency in the Workplace
Wherever you work you will eventually find yourself in a stressful situation. Having bounce back potential, or resilience, is a key element to coping with it. Resilience is a person’s ability to adapt and grow after stressful events. When life hands you an unfortunate circumstance or a setback, are you able to adjust? Resilience is also at work when an individual chooses to follow through when there is pressure to give up or quit. You are able to see past the obstacles in your life, even if the problems don’t go away. Resilience is necessary in the workplace for employees to cope with people, events within the organization, and with outside events that impact the organization.
Resilience Threats
Workplace stress threatens our wellbeing from a variety of angles. The work culture, interactions within our jobs, and issues in our own personal life may cause serious stress.
Resilience Benefits
Being a resilient person does not make you a superhuman. You will still face physical and emotional reactions to life’s traumas and setbacks. However, the ability to bounce back allows you to continue functioning while also reaching out for help if needed.
The benefits of resiliency on the job extend to both the employee and the internal workplace dynamics. The employee enjoys increased job satisfaction, less stress, greater happiness, motivation to perform well, and lower risk of anxiety and depression. Your workplace atmosphere will also benefit from resilience through higher productivity, more motivated employees, increased morale and creativity, and less staff sickness and turnover.
Building Resilience:
While resilience is not necessarily something you are born with, some people do have a natural bounce back ability. As a learned skill, here are some tips to growing in resilience and retaining that expertise.
If you are struggling to bounce back from the stressors in your life, be courageous and ask for help when needed. Talk to your human resources staff about what supports are available for you within your organization, or consider meeting with a licensed mental health professional. With the right plan and attitude, you’ll learn to bounce back better when the next problem arises.
Lyle Labardee, MS, LPC is a licensed behavioral health therapist and former first responder who specializes in first responder wellness. He also serves as CEO of Amplified Life, a leading provider of counseling, coaching, consulting and critical incident response services. Amplified Life stands ready to support you in the very important work you do. Please feel free to contact us at any time as needed by calling or emailing our Care Team at 616-499-4711 |
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
Lyle Labardee