by Amplified Life Counseling September 06, 2020
These days, it can be tough to muster up energy for several things, especially cooking a healthy meal. The coronavirus pandemic has had far-reaching impacts on health and wellness beyond solely disease risk. Several people are working from home, have kids home from school or have a hybrid schedule that is different than what many are used to. This has led to disrupted schedules, new challenges with grocery shopping and confusion about dinner prep rolls with families figuring out working and living at home. The everchanging global pandemic has taken a toll on physical and mental health for many.
Lucky for us all, healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, there are several simple steps to a healthier eating pattern that take little time and energy but pack a punch for your health. As a registered dietitian, these are some of the most effective tips to help you feel great and eat cleaner with minimal effort.
Get Plenty of Fruits & Veggies
Fruits and vegetables come in many shapes, forms and flavors, and are the cornerstone of a healthy eating pattern. Yet, the Center for Disease Control found that only 1 in 10 Americans are meeting the daily recommended intake of fruits (1 ½ to 2 cups) and vegetables (2 to 3 cups). So where is the disconnect? One of the easiest ways to boost your fruit and veg intake is to work them in to foods you already enjoy. Add vegetables to your egg scramble or favorite pasta dish. Smoothies are a great place to add ample fruits and vegetables. Rice bowls can be loaded with veggies, and stir fries are great for using up produce that is on its way out. Making sure each meal or snack has at least some fruit or vegetable in it will help you meet (and even exceed) the recommended daily intake.
Load Up in the Morning
You often hear that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and the science is there to back it up. Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Physiological Behavior have found that timing of eating is an important factor is risk of obesity and body fat percentage. Work fruits and vegetables into your morning meal to give you a nutritional boost to start your day. Mix in vegetables and greens to smoothies, like this delicious Pineapple Green Smoothie. You (or your kids) won’t even taste that they’re there. A vegetable and egg scramble with whole wheat toast is another one of my favorite go-to breakfasts. Whole grains like oatmeal are also super nutritious options that will keep you full all morning, and can be made to be savory or sweet.
Drink Up
Dehydration can have a slew of nasty symptoms, from fatigue to dizziness and confusion. Not to mention, not drinking enough water can be a sneaky reason you are not losing weight, if that is your goal. Bring a water bottle with you around the house or when you run errands to make it easy to sip all day. If you need something to make it more interesting, try adding frozen fruit, lemon or fresh herbs for a flavor boost. Also, having a glass of water before meals or snacks can help you distinguish hunger from what is actually thirst, and also helps meals digest more easily.
Eat More Frequently
Yes, you read that correctly. Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean eating less. In fact, having more frequent meals throughout the day has been shown to improve weight loss and help people manage their hunger. When you go long periods of time without eating, you can overdo it when you do finally get a chance to eat. We’ve all been there, but a snack every few hours can take the edge off and prevent eating past fullness.
If you try eating more frequently, also try using smaller plates to help you easily control your portion size. Following your hunger cues is another great way to stay ahead of overeating. Eating a small meal or snack with fruit or vegetables, protein (such as Greek yogurt, hummus or a hardboiled egg) and some healthy fat (like avocado, cheese or peanut butter) will help keep you feeling satisfied, not stuffed, all day long.
Be Aware of Processed Foods
Not all processed or packaged foods are inherently “bad”, and several can have a place in a healthy eating pattern. Not to mention, they are super convenient for when you’re in a busy season. However, it is important to be aware of how much and what kind of processed foods you are enjoying. The label on the back is an easy place to start when choosing a snack. Opt for things that are lower in added sugars, salt or fat and higher in protein and fiber. Not only will this reduce the “empty calories” you eat throughout the day that can contribute to weight gain, but it will also keep you feeling full for longer. Things like potato chips or candy may taste good in the moment, but they don’t have much staying power and can actually leave you feeling hungrier later. Not the ideal snack. When you are in a pinch and need something quick, try choosing trail mix or lightly seasoned beef jerky.
Eating in a healthy way can take many different forms and looks a little different for everyone. These tips are simple starters to get you back on track. Whether it’s drinking more water or having a piece of fruit as an afternoon snack, you’ll be feeling better and more productive in no time. Finding simple ways to eat well will help you feel healthier and find more energy when you need it.
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by Renae Brumbaugh, MFA September 06, 2020
Managing Financial Stress During COVID-19
In March of this year, more than three million people filed for unemployment during a single week. In addition to the obvious concerns over physical health, Americans are feeling financial stress unlike any that’s been experienced in decades. Many wonder how best to handle this economic crisis. Spending money feels empowering and helps the economy. It also depletes our funds and leads to even more financial stress.
Reduced finances provide yet another layer in the stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19. Any kind of stress or anxiety affects all aspects of our health, and that can domino into more serious issues like lack of sleep, poor diet, and overall depression. While we can’t control many things about this pandemic, there are some healthy steps we can take to ensure our financial stability.
A good first response to financial struggle is to evaluate expenses. Take a look at your expenses, and place each expense into one of the following categories:
The act of categorizing expenses in this way can often bring immense relief right away. Once we know where our money is going, we can easily figure out where to cut costs. Much of the stress we feel comes from not knowing exactly where our money disappears to.
Another way to find relief is to ask for help. This requires us to set aside our pride, and that can be difficult. However, many people are in the same situation. Government aid and local help programs are designed for such a time as this. Those programs aren’t intended for long-term use. They were created to help hard working citizens make it through a difficult time. Don’t hesitate to call your local food bank or other charitable institution and tell them your situation. If possible, offer to volunteer. These places often need an extra hand, and helping others in the middle of your own crisis can be extremely fulfilling.
Ask your employer or bank official for financial advice. They will often know of government aid incentives, such as lowered mortgage or delayed payment for loans. Don’t worry about trying to get out of debt during this crisis. Instead, focus on meeting basic needs for yourself and your family, while not accruing even more debt.
Finally, take a deep breath. This financial crisis may not end soon, but it will end. In the meantime, practice gratitude. When we focus on the things we do have instead of the things we don’t, our spirits naturally lift. We become more settled, more relaxed. And a healthy mindset does more for our wellbeing than a trip to Starbucks.
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by Amplified Life Counseling September 06, 2020
Bouncing Back from the Pandemic: Learning to be Resilient
Resilience is the ability to adapt well in response to stressful events. While many people are naturally resilient, it’s also a skill that can be developed. With practice, we can learn behaviors, thoughts, and actions to help us bounce back after trials. COVID-19, and the changes surrounding it, has brought stress to almost every area of our lives. Now more than ever, resilience is a needed skill. When individuals find it too difficult to recover from hardship, there is a greater chance of experiencing anxiety, depression, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Qualities of Resilience
What does a resilient person look like? Typically, a person who adapts well to stressful life experiences is also a good communicator and problem-solver. He or she can identify and control personal emotions rather than be mastered by them. Resilient people have strong self-confidence and self-esteem, and they believe in their abilities. They set goals, make plans, and follow through with them. They also don’t hesitate to lean on helpful family or friends, support or faith-based groups, or mental health professionals such as a licensed counselor or therapist.
Building Resilience in Stressful Times
Someone who lacks resilience may focus on life’s problems and feel like a victim. Others may turn to unhealthy behaviors or develop substance abuse. There are genuine ways to improve our reactions to life’s challenges. Consider the following strategies to build your resiliency:
Resilient people understand what not to do, as well. In order to promote better resilience in your life and the lives of your family, avoid stressful situations like negative social media posts or engaging in online arguments. Turn off the evening news, which is filled with negative stories that simply cause stress and raise blood pressure. If you need to know something, your family and friends will tell you.
Pace yourself. The stress of COVID-19 and the year 2020 will not go away overnight, or even after the election. Being resilient means knowing where, when and how to disengage and rest, recover and renew.
The Benefits of Growing in Resilience
There are several advantages to building resilience. One of the greatest benefits is the ability to learn from experiences and see them as opportunities. When life is viewed from this perspective, it’s easier to adapt to new situations and remain hopeful in the face of uncertain times.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. There are support groups and programs in your community that can help in stress and crisis, as well as countless resources online and in print. Your EAP or other employer-provided counseling service is an excellent source of ideas for developing resilience.
You don’t have to wait for another crisis to practice building resiliency. Start building your bounce-back potential today.
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by Amplified Life Counseling September 06, 2020
Loving Ourselves Through the Pandemic
The year 2020 has brought fear, anxiety, and financial difficulties. It’s also brought about a need for heightened self-awareness. Reduced incomes and difficult job and health situations have encouraged us to be kind, to volunteer, and to give back. But sometimes, it’s easier to show care and concern for others than it is for ourselves.
In order to get through this 2020 marathon, we must practice self-care. Whether it’s physical, mental emotional, or spiritual, a little care goes a long way toward a healthier, more peaceful mindset. Be kind to yourself by practicing the following self-care tips:
With all the self-care do’s, there are also a few of don’ts to keep in mind.
One day this pandemic will end. It probably won’t be tomorrow. While we wait, it’s important to be kind to ourselves as well as others. Remember, in order to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we have to first love ourselves.
by Amplified Life Counseling April 05, 2020
Coping with Grief during COVID-19
People usually think of grief happening from the loss of a loved one. But grief can happen from any major change or loss. Grief can be experienced as feelings of shock, sadness, anger, and confusion. Grief can make people feel overwhelmed, lose interest in activities they used to enjoy, sleep less or more, or have changes in their appetite. These are normal responses to loss or change.
During COVID-19, many people may be experiencing grief because of the loss of their way of life before the closures and social distancing regulations. People can even feel grief for plans that have been delayed or canceled. These changes may seem less important compared to the loss of life, but the reality is that life suddenly doesn’t feel normal anymore. This is a big change and many people are grieving.
Below is a list of some things that you can do to help get through the grief:
Be kind to yourself and others. Find ways to connect as much as possible. Remember, we will get through this together.
Losing a Loved One during COVID-19
Grief during COVID-19 is more difficult because we aren’t able physically be there for one another as we deal with the emotions. Feelings of sadness are normal after the death of a loved one, but During COVID-19, there is the additional challenge of social distancing regulations, and even quarantine, that prevent us from attending the service.
Traditions of grieving together and holding a funeral or memorial are helpful in processing the thoughts and emotions that come from such experiences. We are not able to share grief in ways that we have in the past. It can be helpful to find other ways of supporting one another during COVID-19.
Below are some suggestions that may help:
These suggestions cannot replace the traditions of mourning together, but in such unprecedented times, we must search for solutions in any form possible.
by Ani Kazarian, MFA April 05, 2020
Home Schooling During COVID-19 School Closures
While you may be finding yourself unexpectedly thrown into home schooling your child or children, aged anywhere from five to 17 years old, it is important to know that more than two million kids are home schooled each year in the United States and that this number has been steadily increasing in recent years. In short, you are not alone and there is a lot of information available to help you develop best practices in home schooling as you adjust to everything else that may be changing in your world due to the impact of COVID-19.
Providing structured learning can help your child adjust to the current circumstances of being home schooled. These tried and true strategies, used by home schooling parents for years, provides the structure necessary to keep the household running smoothly, even while parents tend to the new demands of working from home.
Home Schooling while Working from Home
These are stressful times as many parents are facing health and financial concerns, adjusting to working from home with the entire family, and facilitating emergency home schooling. Here are a few tips that may help:
Informal Learning Opportunities
In addition to making sure that your child is completing any assigned work from their school or district, try to take their personal interests into account and facilitate informal learning opportunities as supplemental activities. Many public libraries and museums have made their materials and exhibits available online and may even provide virtual tours.
Examples of informal learning activities include:
Finding healthy and enjoyable ways to have fun will help everyone relax. There’s no need to pressurize yourself and your kids — you can do this!
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