by Ani Kazarian April 05, 2020
Maternity Leave Stigma
Women take maternity leave to bond with their child and recover from childbirth, and any related complications, without fear of losing their job, benefits, company seniority, and so forth, which are protected under the Family Medical Leave Act. These protections, however, are not able to sever the stigma that many women find is still attached to taking maternity leave.
Though it is against the law to not hire or to fire someone who can perform the basic functions of the job just because she is pregnant or on maternity leave, the reality remains that many women in the workforce are treated unfairly after revealing news of their pregnancy or going on maternity leave.
Maternity Leave Stigma
While working mothers are able to take maternity leave and are protected against job loss, their careers may be impacted by the stigma around actually taking maternity leave. Many women who take maternity leave report being treated differently at work upon their return. For instance, close relationships with colleagues become distant and strained, or clients and projects that were closely managed prior to maternity leave are reassigned and not returned.
Due to the stigma around taking maternity leave, some working mothers do not take the 12 weeks of maternity leave that is allotted by law. Many return to work early and report feeling pressured not to take more time off.
What You Can Do
Returning to work after maternity leave is a time of high stress for most parents. While many are excited to return to work, they are concerned about childcare options, nursing, being away from their child for long hours, and several other issues. The stigma around maternity leave creates even more stress for returning mothers as there is often a sense of not knowing what to expect.
Some companies offer great support to new mothers returning from maternity leave, including flexible hours, telecommuting, and other benefits. If this is not the case at your company, or you aren’t sure whether or not it is, speak to your direct manager or a Human Resource representative about what options may be available to you. While you may not be able to change the stigma around maternity leave, taking an active step toward open communication with your employer may be of help. Below is a list of topics that serve as an example of points you can discuss.
Maternity Leave Points of Discussion:
For many women, taking maternity leave and returning from leave are both exciting and stressful times. While some company cultures still maintain a stigma around taking maternity leave, the trend is changing and many companies do offer support to new mothers returning to work. There are also some things that you can do ahead of time to help set up work expectations while you are on leave and as you return.
by Ani Kazarian April 05, 2020
Relocating for Work
Many people find themselves in the position of facilitating a job relocation. It may be that you have taken a new job, are part of a restructure in your organization, or have been promoted within your current company and you are now relocating for your new role. The relocation may be somewhat local, across the country, or abroad.
Regardless of why you are relocating, it can be a stressful undertaking, though it can also be an exciting opportunity. Making the best of this situation will likely require planning and preparation. Below are lists of things that you can do to ensure a successful job relocation.
Before the Move
Before you actually begin planning for the move, you want to make sure that you have all of the information that you need. Here are some questions to consider:
These questions are only some of the things you may need to consider prior to moving. In this stage, you want to collect as much information as possible on what you can expect in your new location as well as what resources you will have available to you as you move and settle in.
Once you have prepared for the move, there are several things that you can do to ensure a successful process during the move.
During the Move
As you find yourself in the midst of packing and moving, be sure to hire a reliable moving company, have internet and phone services set up in your new location, cancel all such services in your current residence if you will no longer need them, and most of all, stay organized.
There are many details to attend to as you are relocating for work, but the experience can be a successful one as long as you stay organized.
After the Move
Regardless of how exciting of an opportunity you may have with the relocation, uprooting your life can be challenging and stressful. Give it time — experts advise that the first six months of any move are the most challenging. If you are moving alone, you may want to enroll in classes or other activities outside of work to help create a new social circle or support system.
by Lyle Labardee April 05, 2020
Dealing With Pregnancy at Work
Being pregnant at work can add extra responsibilities and considerations to an already busy day. As the body works overtime to help the baby develop, it is important to take notice of how to stay rested, healthy, comfortable, and safe.
Staying Comfortable
Common pregnancy issues such as fatigue, swelling, and nausea don’t take a break just because you are at work. In order to continue working through a pregnancy, the first step is to speak with a doctor to learn about any specific concerns or issues to be aware of. Every pregnancy is different, but most women can continue working as long as they make some modifications.
Avoiding Hazards
When pregnant, your body can be more susceptible to certain hazards. It is smart to speak with your doctor as well as whoever directs health and safety at your workplace, to learn about what changes you should take to keep you and your baby safe. For a more complete list of hazards, check out and search for The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and pregnancy in the workplace.
Pregnant Rights
Workplace discrimination and harassment does happen to women who are pregnant, but is illegal thanks to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This act helps to make sure that pregnant women are guaranteed equal treatment and a woman’s pregnancy cannot legally influence factors such as hiring, firing, pay, and benefits. Women who are pregnant and unable to work can, in some cases, be treated the same as any other employee with a disability. This might include work assigning less demanding tasks, or giving short-term leave. In some cases (depending on the size of the employer and how long the employee has been with the employer) a woman might qualify for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which would allow for 12 weeks of leave (paid or unpaid, based on what employee has earned). To learn more about pregnancy rights, search for “pregnancy rights” on the websites for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the U.S. Department of Labor
by Ani Kazarian April 05, 2020
Workplace Etiquette
Etiquette is not a lost art. Knowing the proper ways to present yourself in a certain situation can help to make sure that you are moving toward success. This is especially true at work. If you have ever had a co-worker who ignores certain common courtesies, you know how distracting it can be.
Those distractions can also have negative effects on your team. Ignoring etiquette in the workplace can decrease productivity and team morale, and increase stress and frustration. Often, this becomes a never-ending cycle of negativity. To prevent this, there are many ways to practice workplace etiquette.
Return to the Basics
Saying “please” and “thank you” will provide a stable foundation in any situation. Whether you are the boss or a brand new intern, these words never go out of style. It is also a smart consideration to practice being on time – even early – for meetings. Once at your meetings, be fully present. This means putting your cell phone on silent and in your pocket, while participating in the topic being discussed.
Since each workplace is different, it is smart to review your employment manual, likely given to you when hired, to make sure that you are following workplace rules. This should cover appropriate clothing, technology use, and conflict management. If you do not know where your copy is, check with your Human Resources department. Making sure that you and your co-workers are on the same page can help prevent conflicts.
Cubicle Tips
Working in a cubicle environment provides its own set of rules as privacy is at a minimum. One of the main ways to approach a co-worker who works in a cubicle is to pretend that they are in their own office (because in a sense, they are). When it comes to your own actions at your desk, however, remember that you are not in an office. After taking those factors into account, follow some of these tips:
Things to Consider in Shared Spaces
There is more to consider than property and noise concerns at work. All of our senses are involved in our workday, and should be thought of when interacting with co-workers.
Conflict Resolution Tips
If you are noticing someone causing problems in your work place, consult your Employment Manual for how to resolve conflicts according to protocol. If appropriate, speak with your co-worker about their behavior. Approach them with respect and focus on the benefits that can arise from some changes, while also helping to seek solutions. If problems are not getting better, or are getting worse, speak to your supervisor or a representative from Human Resources to help resolve the issue.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Avoiding Burnout
There are many “outs” in life. We can be stressed out, worn out, and experience burnout. As passionate as we may feel about our work, we are all susceptible to burnout if we fail to exercise good self-care and relaxation techniques. Burnout is a constant feeling of physical, mental, and/or emotional exhaustion and pessimism in the workplace. This usually results in a decline in performance and passion. You may experience doubt over your job competence and value in the workforce.
Early Signs of Burnout
There are several early warning signs of burnout. Do you dread coming back from vacation? Are you experiencing interpersonal problems at work and home, growing irritable and impatient? Do tasks you once enjoyed no longer excite you? Can you concentrate easily on assignments? Is your overall attitude pessimistic toward your coworkers and your performance? These questions are all indicators of a burnout. There are also several health problems that may arise from chronic stress in the workplace. Burnout symptoms have been linked to anxiety, depression, digestive problems, weight fluctuations, and changes in sleep patterns.
Triggers of Burnout
What ultimately leads to workplace burnout? It’s different for everyone and could be a variety of items or one major one. Here are some possibilities:
Preventing Burnout
Far from being inevitable, burnout is actually preventable. Consider putting these practices in place to help in avoiding workplace burnout:
If you think you may be experiencing signs of job burnout, ignoring the symptoms is never the best decision. Ask your doctor or schedule an appointment with a mental health professional before you feel worse. Implementing these strategies, as well as healthy self-care, will help restore the passion for what you enjoy most.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Bouncing Back: Leaning to be Resilient
Resilience is the ability to adapt well in response to stressful events. In our lives we may experience tragedy, adversity, or real or perceived sources of stress. These events can occur in our family or significant relationships, workplace, health, or financial situations.
Resilience is not something you either have or don’t have. While many people are naturally resilient in some ways, it is also a skill that can be developed and even learned. With practice, you can learn behaviors, thoughts, and actions to help you bounce back after trials.
We are all still human no matter how resilient we are. We have emotional and even physical responses to a bad day, but we can train our mind and bodies to bounce back. When individuals find it too difficult to recover from hardship, there is a greater chance of experiencing anxiety, depression, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Qualities of Resilience
What does a resilient person look like? Typically, a person who adapts well to stressful life experiences is also a good communicator and problem-solver. He or she is able to identify and control their emotions rather than be mastered by them. Resilient people have strong self-confidence and self-esteem, believing in their abilities. They are able to set goals, make plans, and follow through with them. They also don’t hesitate to lean on supportive family or other relationships like friends, support or faith-based groups, or mental health professionals, such as a licensed counselor or therapist.
Building Resilience in Stressful Times
Do you consider yourself a person who bounces back from life’s challenges and setbacks? Someone who lacks resilience may focus on life’s problems and feel like a victim. Others may turn to unhealthy behaviors or develop a substance abuse problem. There are genuine ways to improve your reaction to the life’s challenges. Consider the following ideas as resiliency strategies:
The Benefits of Growing in Resilience
There are several advantages to building resilience. One of the greatest benefits is the ability to learn from your experiences and see them as opportunities. When life is viewed from this perspective it is easier to adapt to new situations and remain hopeful in the face of uncertainty.
There are questions you can ask yourself to find the right strategy for learning to bounce back. Consider the following:
What stressful events have I already experienced?
Who did I reach out to during these times?
What did I learn?
What or who gave me hope?
How was I able to overcome?
Finally, be courageous and ask for help when you need it. There are support groups and programs in your community that can help you you in stress and crisis. There are countless resources online and in print for bouncing back after adversity. A licensed mental health professional is also an excellent resource to learn resiliency. You don’t have to wait for a crisis to practice building resiliency. Start building your bounce-back potential today.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Compulsive Gambling
Humans can become addicted to many different behaviors and gambling is no exception. Many people are able to gamble recreationally with little to no lasting effects. However, others find the thrill of gambling addictive and return to it time and again despite incurring great costs in terms of their relationships, financial security and general wellbeing.
What is Gambling?
There are a variety of ways and reasons a person gambles. While many people do gamble without causing significant problems, some develop problem gambling. Problem gambling is defined as causing harm to the gambler or someone else, like a family member. Even though a person may want to stop, the initial behavior leads to the more serious, compulsive gambling. When someone struggles with compulsive gambling it causes problems in multiple areas of his or her life.
Bingo, lottery tickets, casino games, online poker, and going to the racetrack are all examples of gambling. Obviously, not everyone who gambles becomes addicted. There is no easy formula for determining who develops an addiction to gambling. Studies have indicated, however, that it is a combination of environmental, genetic, and biological factors.
Determining a Gambling Problem
How do you know if you have a more serious gambling problem? The following list of signs indicates the potential for gambling problems:
Studies have found that between two and four percent of Americans are problem gamblers. Gambling problems, according to some researchers, are more prevalent than alcohol dependence.
Access and Impact
Gambling is more prevalent than ever before because people have constant access to the thrill of the behavior through the Internet. Beginning to gamble at an early age also increases the risk of developing gambling problems later in life. Addictions are more common in men and those of lower socioeconomic status. Like any addiction, compulsive gambling affects other aspects of life.
Help and Hope
A compulsive gambling addiction does not need to be the last round in the game of life. There are many professional treatment options as well as support groups like Gamblers Anonymous. You can also ask your doctor or a mental health professional for support. Before your first appointment, prepare yourself by considering these questions and steps:
Freedom from a compulsive gambling addiction is possible and available to you. Learning and maintaining alternative ways of coping with life will help aid in the recovery process. To start, you can make a list of all the risks you take when you gamble. Are the costs to you and your loved ones outweighing the potential benefits? Those with a compulsive gambling addiction will more than likely answer yes to this question.
Finally, remind yourself there is no shame in asking for help. Determination and will power are often not powerful enough to overcome the gambling impulse, and you are not alone in this struggle. Help is available, along with the hope of a better life. The benefits of taking control over gambling addictions of all levels are exceedingly more valuable than any payout.
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315