by Sarah Sheppard January 23, 2025
News is everywhere, all the time, and a lot of it is negative.
With streaming, social media, games, and pop-up headlines, it’s hard to avoid these negative events, especially since coverage is global, bringing what’s going on around the world right to our front doors. With so much exposure to violence and disaster, it’s understandable that we have a buildup of negativity, anxiety, and fear that can lead to media-induced stress.
Constant Bad News Takes a Toll
If you think you may be dealing with media-induced stress, here are some signs to watch for:
inability to “unplug” from media reports
feeling overwhelmed
anxiety, depression, fear, anger, numbness, shock
deep feelings of empathy you can’t let go
difficulty relaxing
increased heart rate, blood pressure
sleeping too much or not enough
restlessness, headaches, stomach, and other physical problems
overeating, undereating
A Strategy for Tragedy
There are many things outside our control. But taking action when and where we can helps give us a better sense of stability and peace in times of turmoil. Here are some steps to help:
Assess the reality of a situation to your life. The news makes it seem like negative events happen everywhere, every day to everyone—which can make us feel as if these events are happening in our own lives. But that’s not true. Take time to process what actually affects your daily life.
Learn to unplug. Take deliberate breaks from your screens and from the world.
Avoid news before bed. They can lead to disrupted or inadequate sleep.
Limit media consumption in times of hyped-up tragedy. Being informed is okay. Being obsessed is not.
Talk with friends or family about feelings and issues. Engaging in real-world discussions often helps bring our focus back to what is real, immediate, and important.
Write your thoughts down. Getting thoughts out of our minds and onto paper helps us assess their validity while cleansing our thought process.
Try meditation techniques to quiet the mind. Sitting quietly, focused breathing, intentional thinking, and getting in touch with nature can help lower blood pressure and heart rate and deal with rising anxiety.
Take positive action. In times of tragedy, the urge to help can be therapeutic. Find a local charity or organization to support in some way.
Engage your mind and body in centering activities. Channel the energy that would typically go toward stress and anxiety toward something positive and productive instead. Listen to or play music. Spend time with your children. Cook a healthy meal. Walk the dog. Organize your closet. Read a book.
Keep in Mind
Media-induced stress is a real and growing issue that can impact our daily well-being. Realizing that you’re not alone is a big step in battling media-induced trauma. If you’re struggling with handling what’s going on in the world, reach out for help.
Disaster trauma is such a prominent issue that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set up a free support line for anyone in need as well. The Disaster Distress Helpline can be reached at (800) 985-5990 or on the web at
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
All about Feelings
Feelings and emotions are two words often used interchangeably. They generally mean the same thing, however, feelings and emotions can differ. For instance, feeling love for your child can cause the emotion of fear if he or she is in danger. A mood is also separate from a feeling or emotion. Whereas emotions are short-lived, a mood lasts longer. The cause of a mood is not always easy to detect, as you might feel down for a few days and not know why.
Basic Emotions
Psychology researchers cite six basic emotions that are universal to all humans. They include happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger. Other psychologists have added embarrassment, pride, excitement, and satisfaction to this list. It’s also possible to experience more than one emotion at a time, such as feeling happy and excited simultaneously.
Experiencing Feelings
There are three main ways we encounter an emotion. First, we experience the feeling. Second, our body reacts to it. Last, we express the feeling through our behavior. Therefore, if you were angry, you’d interpret the emotion as anger. Perhaps, your body would tense up or your heart would begin to pace, and then you might lose your temper and begin to shout. These would all be examples of how you might react to the emotion called anger.
Emotions cause both physical and physiological reactions, which are regulated by the nervous system. These reactions affect body responses that we can’t control, like digestion and blood flow. The nervous system also monitors our “fight-or-flight” response to stress, dangers, and threats. More noticeable examples of the physical effects of feelings might be sweaty palms, stomach pains, increased heartbeat, muscle tension, etc.
There are some universal expressions of feelings, like smiling. Others will differ according to culture, tradition and custom. When we understand our emotions and seek to increase our emotional intelligence, we can have some control over our behavioral reactions. Exploring our thinking and paying attention to what our bodies are doing when we feel emotions helps us gain insight into our behaviors. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques as well as a trained therapist or counselor can help you gain control over your reactivity.
The Importance of Feelings
Exploring your feelings can benefit both your body and behavior. For example, if you find that you often feel afraid, you may also discover that you regularly experience associated anxiety and physical symptoms of stress. Perhaps your heart is continually racing and your sleep is affected; these responses can have a long-term impact on your health. If you start to examine the root of your fear, you might find that your thoughts aren’t factual. Recognizing this faulty or irrational thought pattern is the first step in modifying it and ultimately feeling less anxious and afraid.
When our feelings are based on facts we can try to change our situation or goals to fit that reality. Perhaps, you’ve found a hobby that makes you feel happy and excited. You can seek to incorporate those skills into a career you might really enjoy.
Whether your feelings are fact-based or irrational, paying attention to them can provide clues about how to live healthy and how to achieve the life you desire. When you put a name to your feelings and begin to understand how they work, you create more space between something happening and your reaction to it. This space gives you an opportunity to choose your behavior and how you interact in your relationships. Momentarily stepping back from a situation also provides the choice to treat yourself in a healthy, self-respecting manner.
Tips for Managing Emotional Reactions
Controlling your reactions to emotion takes time and practice. The following ideas will help you learn how to regulate your reactivity:
Feelings affect everyone on a daily basis. Learning how to manage and understand your emotions will benefit your health, work, and relationships. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, as medical or mental health professionals have valuable knowledge about ways of coping with intense feelings. With the right motivation and practice, you can learn to change your reactions to emotions rather than letting them control you.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
About Behavioral Health Care
Behavioral health care focuses on an individual’s psychological wellness. It is occasionally referred to as mental health care. However, the term behavioral health is more common now because it encompasses the biology of mental health, as well as a person’s behaviors and habits.
Measuring Mental Health
How do you assess or understand your mental health? Looking at your emotional wellbeing and your overall life enjoyment on a day-to-day basis is an excellent guide. Consider the following:
Behavioral Health Issues and Signs
There are many contributors to mental health problems. Biological factors such as your genetics, life experiences, and a family history of mental health issues can lead to behavioral health problems. Some of the mental health issues people face might be depression, anxiety, trauma, relational issues, and addiction.
Signs of a potential behavioral health issue range in their severity. Changes in eating and sleeping patterns, withdrawing from activities and relationships, low energy, feeling hopeless, and numbness to life are all clues to a mental health problem. Also, mood swings, hearing voices or hallucinating, increased substance abuse, and thoughts of harming yourself or others are warnings signs. When a person is unable to complete daily life tasks, such as showering, getting out of bed, getting dressed, etc., they also might be struggling with a mental illness.
Professionals and Treatment Options
When it comes to behavioral health issues, you’re not alone. There are numerous professionals who can help you overcome and adjust to life’s challenges. These might be your primary care physician or nurse practitioner, or a counselor, therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist.
These professionals are skilled in a variety of behavioral health interventions that cover a broad spectrum. These range from psychotherapy and group therapy to support groups to expressive therapy in art, music, or drama. Recreational therapy, meditation, and mindfulness practices are also options, as is medication.
Good Mental Health Signs
When your mental health is functioning well there are several indicators. Setting and meeting goals, coping with stress, and problem solving are signs of healthy functioning, as is finding meaning in relationships and the community.
Whatever your current mental health you can benefit from practicing good behavioral health strategies. Some of the ways to maintain and/or improve your mental health might include connecting with others, being physically active, eating healthy, and getting proper rest. Developing strategies for dealing with life’s stressors, staying positive, and asking for help when needed are also healthy traits.
The Importance of Behavioral Health
Why is behavioral health such a critical issue? Half of the world’s population is believed to experience mental health symptoms that impact their day-to-day functioning. Our mental state impacts our physical health, so being able to reduce our body’s stress responses can help us live longer and healthier lives. Another benefit of working on your mental health is the control you gain over your life. People who are mentally healthy are more goal-directed, and they function better in relationships.
Not addressing our behavioral health issues impacts all areas of life. Depression and other mental illnesses can lead to disability, physical impairments, and even suicide. Financial, social, and vocational issues may arise from failing to work on mental health problems.
Getting Started
Improving your mental health does not need to be overwhelming as there are many people available to guide you. The following tips suggest how to get started and where to go for help:
A lifestyle complete with good mental health is possible for you and your loved ones. For more information about behavioral health care, check out the following websites:
Historic Counseling Center
7791 Byron Center Ave SW
Byron Center, MI 49315
South Counseling Center
2465 Byron Station Dr SW
Byron Center, MI 49315