by Sarah Sheppard February 03, 2025
“AMA policy adopted last year identifies loneliness as a public health issue that affects people of all ages.” ~ American Medical Association
February is the month of love and connection. But what if you don’t feel connected? In a January 2020 (pre-lockdown) survey of 10,000 adults, 61% said they were lonely. And loneliness is more than just a mental health issue. It’s been linked to increased heart problems, stroke, and other medical issues.
According to psychiatrist Dr. Tiffani Bell Washington, MD, MPH, “Loneliness is essentially the feeling of being uncomfortable or in distress when someone feels that there is a gap between the connection they would like and the connection they actually have... You can be in a crowd full of people, you can know all of them, and you can still feel lonely.”
She added that superficial social connections, no matter how many, don’t really decrease loneliness. “What you really want is something deeper—someone to know you on the inside,” she said. “It's really based on perception of the difference between the relationship you'd like and the relationship that you have with others.”
Types of Loneliness
Loneliness and social isolation are two sides to the same coin. As stated above, a person can be lonely in a crowd. But many people are also at risk for social isolation. These include marginalized populations, older people, and those in remote areas. Either way, the lack of connection to others is detrimental because humans are hard-wired for connection.
How to Combat Loneliness
When it comes to “fixing” the problem of loneliness, there are two major things to consider: connection with others and connection with ourselves (being content while alone).
Connecting with others doesn’t have to mean going to crowded places or attending parties every week. Since we long for others who really “get” us, it’s helpful to find those who share our interests, values, and backgrounds. Writers, for example, tend to work in isolation. As a profession, they are often considered introverts. But attending writer’s conferences and joining writer’s groups—either locally or online, offers connection for people who share similar interests and who often view life in comparable ways.
Ways to Connect with Others
Consider your interests and hobbies, and find groups who share those. If you live in a remote area, find an online group that meets online.
Join a community or volunteer organization. Look for someone else who looks lonely and befriend them.
Take your lunch to a park or other place and people watch. Even if you don’t talk to anyone, just being around other humans can help you feel less lonely.
Find creative ways to connect. If you live far from family and friends, set up online appointments to meet for coffee, dinner, online games, or even watch a movie or sporting event. You can use these to join birthday parties and holiday gatherings too.
Make a large group smaller. If you’re already in a large group that makes you feel lonely, invite a few people you have something in common with and start a group within a group. This can be a study group, a book club, a dinner club, or anything else that brings a deeper connection.
Ways to Connect with Yourself (Hint: Self-Care!)
Learn to relish your alone time. Schedule appointments with yourself to do things you really want to do, that you need to do alone, anyway. Get a massage or a facial. Take a bubble bath. Turn on some of your favorite music, light a candle, read a novel.
Reorganize or redecorate a room in your home.
Start a new hobby. YouTube is an excellent resource for learning to paint, play guitar, garden, or just about anything else you might be interested in.
Go outside. Talk a walk or a jog in a park or around your neighborhood, or simply enjoy a cup of tea while you listen to birdsong.
Talk to yourself. Tell yourself the things you’d say to your best friend, if they were feeling disconnected. Remind yourself that you’re amazing, interesting, intelligent, and fun. Do this every day—out loud or in your head.
Several studies link loneliness with depression, immune suppression, and other health problems. If you’re feeling lonely, it’s important to combat the issue in any way you can. Sometimes you can do all the right things and the loneliness persists. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist who can help you explore ways to bridge the gap between the connections you want and the connections you have. You are worth the effort.
by Sarah Sheppard January 23, 2025
“AMA policy adopted last year identifies loneliness as a public health issue that affects people of all ages.” ~ American Medical Association
February is the month of love and connection. But what if you don’t feel connected? In a January 2020 (pre-lockdown) survey of 10,000 adults, 61% said they were lonely. And loneliness is more than just a mental health issue. It’s been linked to increased heart problems, stroke, and other medical issues.
According to psychiatrist Dr. Tiffani Bell Washington, MD, MPH, “Loneliness is essentially the feeling of being uncomfortable or in distress when someone feels that there is a gap between the connection they would like and the connection they actually have... You can be in a crowd full of people, you can know all of them, and you can still feel lonely.”
She added that superficial social connections, no matter how many, don’t really decrease loneliness. “What you really want is something deeper—someone to know you on the inside,” she said. “It's really based on perception of the difference between the relationship you'd like and the relationship that you have with others.”
Types of Loneliness
Loneliness and social isolation are two sides to the same coin. As stated above, a person can be lonely in a crowd. But many people are also at risk for social isolation. These include marginalized populations, older people, and those in remote areas. Either way, the lack of connection to others is detrimental because humans are hard-wired for connection.
How to Combat Loneliness
When it comes to “fixing” the problem of loneliness, there are two major things to consider: connection with others and connection with ourselves (being content while alone).
Connecting with others doesn’t have to mean going to crowded places or attending parties every week. Since we long for others who really “get” us, it’s helpful to find those who share our interests, values, and backgrounds. Writers, for example, tend to work in isolation. As a profession, they are often considered introverts. But attending writer’s conferences and joining writer’s groups—either locally or online, offers connection for people who share similar interests and who often view life in comparable ways.
Ways to Connect with Others
Consider your interests and hobbies, and find groups who share those. If you live in a remote area, find an online group that meets online.
Join a community or volunteer organization. Look for someone else who looks lonely and befriend them.
Take your lunch to a park or other place and people watch. Even if you don’t talk to anyone, just being around other humans can help you feel less lonely.
Find creative ways to connect. If you live far from family and friends, set up online appointments to meet for coffee, dinner, online games, or even watch a movie or sporting event. You can use these to join birthday parties and holiday gatherings too.
Make a large group smaller. If you’re already in a large group that makes you feel lonely, invite a few people you have something in common with and start a group within a group. This can be a study group, a book club, a dinner club, or anything else that brings a deeper connection.
Ways to Connect with Yourself (Hint: Self-Care!)
Learn to relish your alone time. Schedule appointments with yourself to do things you really want to do, that you need to do alone, anyway. Get a massage or a facial. Take a bubble bath. Turn on some of your favorite music, light a candle, read a novel.
Reorganize or redecorate a room in your home.
Start a new hobby. YouTube is an excellent resource for learning to paint, play guitar, garden, or just about anything else you might be interested in.
Go outside. Talk a walk or a jog in a park or around your neighborhood, or simply enjoy a cup of tea while you listen to birdsong.
Talk to yourself. Tell yourself the things you’d say to your best friend, if they were feeling disconnected. Remind yourself that you’re amazing, interesting, intelligent, and fun. Do this every day—out loud or in your head.
Several studies link loneliness with depression, immune suppression, and other health problems. If you’re feeling lonely, it’s important to combat the issue in any way you can. Sometimes you can do all the right things and the loneliness persists. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist who can help you explore ways to bridge the gap between the connections you want and the connections you have. You are worth the effort.
by Amplified Life Counseling November 18, 2024
According to popular music, Hallmark movies, and holiday greeting cards, this time of year is filled with peace, joy, and good tidings. But for many who have lost a loved one, that picture isn’t entirely accurate. Instead of joy, we feel sadness. Instead of peace, we feel anxiety. If you or someone you know is coping with loss this season, it’s important to remember that healing is a process. With significant loss, grief may always be present. However, it does dull with time as we learn to do life in new ways without that person.
If you’ve recently (or perhaps not so recently) experienced a significant loss, consider the following as you navigate the holidays:
If someone you know has lost a loved one, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. Below are some things to keep in mind as you show your support:
Remember that grief doesn’t just happen that first holiday season after a person is gone. Sometimes, holidays are a little sad for many years to come. However, the load does lighten with time. Though you will always long for that person in your holiday celebrations, you will eventually learn to laugh, love, and enjoy life without them. Hang in there. It really does get better. And, if needed, you can always reach out to a therapist for help.
by Amplified Life Counseling September 07, 2020
The chance of experiencing loss in your lifetime is 100 percent. Everyone encounters significant loss at some point, and grief is the emotional reaction to that loss. Whether you face the death of a beloved family member or pet, see a marriage or job crumble, or watch your health or finances diminish, some level of grieving will occur.
Grief is both universal and unique in its nature. Two people experiencing the same loss might react very differently depending on their relationship to whom or what is being grieved.
It’s not uncommon to experience sleeplessness, weight loss or gain, or a weakened immune system. Chronic illnesses may become worse due to the stress of grieving. Emotional responses may range from anger, sadness, guilt, fear, or anxiety to moments of relief, peace, or even happiness.
While there is no normal or expected grief response, there are five common stages, observed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, through which many people walk. These stages include:
No two individuals will follow the same grief path or timetable. Grieving is an intensely personal experience, and no one should determine what is grief-worthy for another. There is no “normal” or standard protocol that fits everyone. Here are some other common misconceptions:
There are many useful ways to move from a place of grief to a life of healing and hope.
✓ Talking about the loss with family and friends can aid healing.
✓ Emotional reactions of all sorts (anger, sadness, bitterness, envy) are normal.
✓ Give yourself permission to experience a wide range of emotions and not feel guilty.
✓ Take care of yourself with good nutrition, exercise and rest.
✓ Avoid relying on caffeine, alcohol or other drugs as a means of self-medicating.
Coping with grief and loss takes time and involves learning to live with the loss without being consumed by it. Consider reaching out to your health care provider and engaging other counseling resources for guidance on next steps.
What steps will you take today to help yourself heal and recover?
by Amplified Life Counseling April 05, 2020
Coping with Grief during COVID-19
People usually think of grief happening from the loss of a loved one. But grief can happen from any major change or loss. Grief can be experienced as feelings of shock, sadness, anger, and confusion. Grief can make people feel overwhelmed, lose interest in activities they used to enjoy, sleep less or more, or have changes in their appetite. These are normal responses to loss or change.
During COVID-19, many people may be experiencing grief because of the loss of their way of life before the closures and social distancing regulations. People can even feel grief for plans that have been delayed or canceled. These changes may seem less important compared to the loss of life, but the reality is that life suddenly doesn’t feel normal anymore. This is a big change and many people are grieving.
Below is a list of some things that you can do to help get through the grief:
Be kind to yourself and others. Find ways to connect as much as possible. Remember, we will get through this together.
Losing a Loved One during COVID-19
Grief during COVID-19 is more difficult because we aren’t able physically be there for one another as we deal with the emotions. Feelings of sadness are normal after the death of a loved one, but During COVID-19, there is the additional challenge of social distancing regulations, and even quarantine, that prevent us from attending the service.
Traditions of grieving together and holding a funeral or memorial are helpful in processing the thoughts and emotions that come from such experiences. We are not able to share grief in ways that we have in the past. It can be helpful to find other ways of supporting one another during COVID-19.
Below are some suggestions that may help:
These suggestions cannot replace the traditions of mourning together, but in such unprecedented times, we must search for solutions in any form possible.
by Amplified Life Counseling April 05, 2020
Coping With A Loved One's Suicide
When a loved one dies by suicide, it is common to feel shocked, confused, angry, sad, or any combination of emotions. Due to the stigma surrounding suicide, survivors might have a difficult time reaching out to find support to help process through the grief.
Immediate Considerations
Losing a loved one to suicide is a shock in itself. While nothing can prepare you for this situation, knowing the following, or sharing them with others, can be helpful.
When planning the funeral, some funeral homes or religious beliefs may not be in the habit of handling deaths by suicide. Make sure to speak with funeral homes and any clergy members involved to make sure that your loved one’s death will be treated with support and dignity.
Coping with Suicide Grief
Grief is a complex process of emotions, memories, and adjustments. There is no right or wrong way to feel, and most suicide survivors report feeling some of the following:
Grief following a death by suicide is complex. Often, survivors feel like they cannot talk about it, because of how suicide is perceived in society. Survivors may often feel angry at the deceased, which can cause confusion since they are also sad about the death. Suicide can also cause survivors to feel traumatized, as the sudden and sometimes violent nature can leave lasting thoughts and memories that are hard to ignore.
These factors, and more, can compound the intense feelings of grief and can prevent any healing from occurring. If you are coping with suicide grief, one of the first things to do is find a support system. Handling grief alone is not a beneficial method, so consider speaking with a trusted family member or friend, a mental health professional, or joining a support group for suicide survivors. There are many resources available and can be found through agencies like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, which can be found online at
Helping Others Cope with Suicide Grief
If someone you know is a suicide survivor, there are things that you can do to help. While it might seem most comfortable to give them space, this could leave them feeling isolated and ashamed. You may not feel totally competent in helping others with suicide grief, but some of the following activities can be a great help.
by Lyle Labardee April 05, 2020
When a Loved One Dies
Dealing with the emotions that follow the death of a loved one can make any task difficult. Planning the funeral and facilitating the process of getting matters in order can add stress to an already challenging situation. Having some direction can help to make sure that the proper steps are taken, and that nothing important is overlooked.
Immediate Checklist
After a loved one dies, first reactions can vary from depression to anger to shock, and anything in between. While you might feel lost, confused, or helpless, there are some important steps that need to be taken as soon as possible following the death of your loved one. The sooner these actions can be carried out, the sooner you can guarantee that communication is moving forward that will work to honor the life of the deceased, and protect assets and other wishes through legal and administrative matters.
Funeral Assistance
Some people might have prepared for funeral expenses by paying early on. If you are not familiar with funeral costs, familiarize yourself with the Funeral Rule, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, so you know what funeral homes are obligated to do to ensure that prices are fair.
If you find yourself in need of assistance in paying for a funeral, consider these options:
Sources |
by Lyle Labardee April 05, 2020
Helping Others Cope With Grief
Death is a universal experience. Despite this fact, it can still leave us shocked, emotional, and confused. When someone we know or love is processing through grief, there are many things that we can say and do to help. It might be helpful to start with your own experience of grief and remembering how people were able to comfort and support you. However, the most important part of helping someone with grief is to keep in mind that each person can handle a loss differently.
Grief 101
Grief is the natural response to a loss. As you accompany a person through the grief journey, it is imperative that you remember that grief is not a direct path; each day, and possibly each hour within a day, can contain a multitude of emotions and reactions. Your friend might cycle between moments of “normalcy” where it is easier to accept the loss, and moments of anger, sadness, relief, guilt or denial. This is very normal and you can help them through this by meeting your friend where he/she is at the time. Practicing non-judgmental statements and behaviors can be most beneficial; often it is simply your presence that can provide the support that your friend needs.
There is no step-by-step method to “getting through” grief. In fact, depending on the loss that was experienced, the person might experience some symptoms of grief for years. Don’t put a time-limit on your friend’s feelings. Some other things to consider when helping someone include:
Helpful Tips
Actions speak louder than words, and sometimes an action is all that is needed. Too often, we think we have to say the exact right thing to help someone feel better, but the truth is that nothing you say is going to be able to fully take away the pain of the loss. While your words might briefly make your friend feel better, it is far more effective to continually offer your presence and help as the healing power that is needed. Just be there.
One very concrete way to offer help is to provide assistance with practical tasks. For example, laundry, eating, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, shoveling the driveway, and other chores all need to be taken care of even when someone is grieving. Often, grief can take all of the energy away from this person, so offering to take care of a chore at a specific time for your friend can be very helpful.
You can also encourage the grieving person to make wise choices, and help him/her to process through certain decisions that arise. Often, this means listening for the majority of the conversation, and helping your friend to come up with answers on her own. You might also offer to participate in certain rituals or traditions with your friend, or help them to establish new ones.
Listening also comes into play as the person grieving might want to share stories. The stories might be repetitive, or they might be of a lot of different memories. The person may also need to talk about feelings that are coming up, or how hard it is to not feel connected to the deceased person anymore. Listen often, and encourage them to talk as much as they need to. If appropriate, it can also be helpful to share your own memories of the person that has died. Avoiding the deceased person’s name or memory will not help your friend, and bringing up the name or memory of the person will not remind your friend that the person is no longer alive. More than likely, your friend will already have thought about missing the deceased multiple times before you bring it up.
Knowing What to Say
Statements to Avoid
by Lyle Labardee April 05, 2020
Dealing with Grief on Special Occasions
For many people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, it can seem like there is nothing worse than the day to day heartache and struggles that accompany grief. Yet, many people find that certain days – such as birthdays, Holidays, or certain anniversaries – can trigger even more emotions and pain.
Reawakened Grief
Special occasions are normally a time for celebration. When you are grieving a loved one, it might feel quite the opposite. You might have mixed feelings of joy and sadness, or you might be angry. Perhaps you feel like there is no way you can attend the family get-together, and that you need to stay home. Whatever you may be feeling, know that having grief reawakened at certain times – expected or unexpected – is normal. You should also know that there are ways to prepare and handle any day that comes your way.
Unexpected Reminders
Sometimes a reminder of a deceased loved one can appear out of nowhere: a certain smell, song, or joke that you hear can be enough to trigger the longing and seem to take you back in time. While it might seem that these instances are a sign of weakness or a setback in your grief journey, these reminders are inevitable. Rather than judge them or look down on yourself, allow yourself to notice what is happening. Root yourself in the present moment, take some deep breaths, and ask yourself:
By paying attention to the present moment, you allow yourself to be mindful of the sensation. This helps you to slow down and orient yourself. It can also help you to make decisions that are helpful. The more you allow yourself to feel what is going on, the sooner it can pass since you are not ignoring, suppressing, or pushing it away.
Resources Used
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Coworkers Facing Grief Together
Grief is a natural part of life. Whether it’s expected or sudden, we will all face loss at some point. It’s common to experience grief in our workplace as well as our personal lives. Many workplaces do not address how to deal with the death of a coworker, and usually there is no company handbook dedicated to the grieving process. Everyone will deal with the loss of a coworker differently. Some coworkers become like family to us, while others we may not know very well. Regardless of the reaction, there are ways to grieve together and process the loss without disrupting work functions.
What is Workplace Grief?
Grief is our reaction to a loss of any kind. Typically, there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Everyone reacts differently, and there is no timetable for grief. If left unprocessed, grief may lead to problems with anxiety or depression.
There are several types of loss within the workplace. Death, retirement, unemployment, personal injury, and transitioning to a different position or location are all examples of a workplace loss. When facing the death of a coworker, there can be additional variables that influence the reaction, such as the age of the deceased, how long they worked there, whether it was sudden, and the nature of the relationships they had within the workplace.
Struggling with Grief
Coworkers who are struggling with grief typically display some of the following symptoms:
Occasionally, an employer may offer flexibility with work hours for a grieving employee. This may prove helpful, but it’s important to recognize that some people find the daily work routine to be a necessary distraction or aid in the healing process.
Handling the Death of a Coworker
Grief is a universal response, but no two people will handle loss exactly the same. The following tips may help you work through your pain and give the permission needed to grieve:
After a significant loss in the workplace, it’s important to take care of yourself. Be mindful to get the proper amount of sleep, seek out the support you need, and practice stress-reducing activities. Often times helping another through his or her own struggle can provide peace during yours.
No one should determine what is “grief-worthy” for another. If you or a coworker feels stuck in a grieving cycle, consider talking with someone in your human resources department, your doctor, a religious leader, or a mental health professional.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Child
Losing a child is the most devastating pain a parent could face. The future is forever changed and the grieving may last a lifetime. There are many types of loss including miscarriage, stillbirth, kidnapping, violence, accidents, and illness. Even the death of an adult child can devastate a parent, as it is unnatural for a parent to outlive their child.
What is Parental Grief?
While everyone experiences loss to some capacity, the grief process is unique. No two people will grieve the same way, and each person’s timetable for healing will differ. Many factors influence parental grieving. Cultural norms, religious beliefs, and the specifics of how the child died can all influence how a parent grieves his or her child. Some instances such as an illness or accident, are a visible loss of a child, while a miscarriage can be a less visible, but no less painful, separation.
There are typically five main stages of grief a person experiences. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Grieving is intensely personal, and no one should determine what is “grief-worthy” for another. There are also many underlying layers of grief. Parents will mourn the child, but they will also experience additional feelings of loss, such as the child’s smell, voice, laugh, cry, the future memories never to be made, etc.
Symptoms of Parental Grief
Losing a child can result in a number of emotional responses. Parents can be depressed, angry, shocked or confused. Many struggle with feelings of guilt and fear for their other children’s health or safety. Some parents may resent families with healthy children, feel that life is meaningless, or question their faith and beliefs. They can become angry with their spouse for grieving and coping differently than they do.
There are a variety of physical symptoms that can accompany grief. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, and fatigue are common grief effects. Some parents may no longer enjoy activities that once brought great pleasure, and if symptoms worsen, they may even contemplate suicide.
Helping the Grieving Process
Though parents will always mourn the loss of a child, healing is possible. The following is a list of helpful insights for grieving parents:
Mourning the loss of a child will not go away overnight. The pain may last a lifetime, but there are ways to find meaning after the loss. Consider how you might want to honor your child’s life and create a lasting legacy to honor them. Some might hold a memorial service, volunteer, or contribute to a cause their child appreciated. Any way that reminds a grieving parent of their child in a healthy, positive manner will help their transition process toward acceptance.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Coping with Grief and Loss
The chance of experiencing loss in your lifetime is 100 percent. Everyone encounters significant loss at some point, and grief is the emotional reaction to that loss. Whether you face the death of a beloved family member or pet, see a marriage or job crumble, or watch your health or finances diminish, some level of grieving will occur. In fact, anything valuable has the capacity for loss and the corresponding grief attached.
Grief is both universal and unique in its nature. Two people experiencing the same loss might react very differently depending on their relationship to whom or what is being grieved. Some people engage in anticipatory grief, which occurs before an actual loss. This is commonly seen with a dying friend or family member, an upcoming move, or impending divorce. This type of grieving is a means of self-protection and preparation for the actual loss.
There are many physical and emotional symptoms of the grieving process. Many individuals face sleeplessness, weight loss or gain, or a weakened immune system. Chronic illnesses may become worse due to the stress of grieving. Emotional responses may range from sadness, guilt, fear, or anxiety to moments of relief, peace, or even happiness.
The Five Stages of Grief
While there is no normal or expected grief response, there are five common stages, observed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, through which many people walk. These stages include:
Common Myths about Grief
No two individuals will follow the same grief path or timetable. Some people adjust quickly to their new environment. Others will take several months or years, especially if their daily life is vastly different, or the loss was a shock or trauma. Grieving is an intensely personal experience, and no one should determine what is grief-worthy for another. There is no “normal” or standard protocol that fits everyone. Here are some other common misconceptions:
Ways to Cope with Loss
There are many useful ways to move from a place of grief to a life of healing and hope.
Moving Onward
Accepting a “new normal” is the key to understanding grief. Despite the old adage, time will help, but it will not completely cure the pain of loss. Coming to a place of greater awareness and acceptance of this new identity is the final stop, or perhaps, just the beginning, on the road to life after loss.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Parent
Even though we know we are supposed to outlive our parents, nothing can quite prepare us for the shock and sadness we feel when they pass. Whether their death is sudden or drawn out with illness, there may be unresolved issues that influence our grief. Perhaps, you didn’t get the chance to talk with your dad one last time before his passing. Or maybe your mother’s death occurred right before a holiday, wedding, birthday, or other special event. It is natural to be affected by the grieving process, regardless of the circumstances or age of your parent.
Common Feelings after Losing a Parent
Even if you are an adult when your parent passes, you will still struggle through some common emotions associated with grief. Many children, even grown ones, feel confusion about their new identity and role in the family. You may feel as though no one will ever love you the way your mom or dad did. If your other parent is alive, it might become your responsibility to care for them, especially in their grief. Other common emotions might include guilt for what you didn’t say or do, frustration with the new tasks you’ve assumed, and uncertainty dealing with legal and financial matters.
When both parents are gone, it’s natural for a person to feel like an adult orphan. Your identity might change, as well as your role. Suddenly, you might find yourself to be a member of the oldest living generation in your family. You might feel an overwhelming desire to carry on your parents’ values and traditions or maybe start new ones.
Processing Grief Differently
Everyone will experience grief and loss at some point, but no two people will process it the same way. After the loss of a parent, some people aren’t sure how to respond. People may not understand why you are grieving if your parent lived a long life. Others who have already lost a parent may step in and support you with comforting words and kind acts. Your siblings may also be struggling with your parent’s death, but they might grieve in an entirely different manner.
Coping with Grief
There is no correct way to grieve and no universal timeline for it. Grief will look different for everyone. However, the following are a few considerations for taking care of yourself when you lose a parent:
Many times loss is unexpected. And even when we’re anticipating it, we might not be prepared for how we will react. When we are grieving, we are more likely to stop or minimize healthy habits. Much of the healing process, however, is related to good self-care. Taking the time to get proper rest, eat well, and exercise regularly is essential to your healing after you experience a loss. These healthy choices will help you transition to a place of hope after a loss, and will serve to honor your parents’ wishes for your health and happiness.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Partner
The death of your spouse or partner can change your entire world. You lose the person you loved, the role they played in your family, and your life’s daily routine. You might miss their financial stability and emotional support, and perhaps your spouse or partner was your best friend. Whatever your partner represented to you, the pain of loss is real.
Physical and Emotional Effects of Grief
Though grief and loss is a universal experience, no two people will process grief the same. There’s no right way to grieve or a timetable to do so. Mourning a loss affects our physical bodies as well as our emotions. You might experience changes in sleeping and eating patterns or feel fatigued and low on energy. In addition, work and other tasks might become difficult as you struggle to concentrate.
When you grieve, you also feel a number of emotions, such as shock, fear of the unknown, anger that they died before you did, or guilt that you could have done more. Many people experience remorse for not being there when their spouse passed, or might feel unsafe coming home to an empty house.
Healthy Grieving Ideas
Grief and loss happen to everyone. Some choose positive coping methods, while others cause further distress by choosing negative ways to process their grief. These individuals might shut others out, make hasty decisions, or turn to alcohol or drugs. The following physical, emotional, and social tips offer healthy grieving ideas:
Grieving the loss of a spouse or partner is a process and won’t happen overnight. Find friends and family members whom you can talk to about your feelings. Ask for assistance with household duties, or have someone help you go through personal items and your partner’s clothes. Consider joining a support group, talking with a therapist, or visiting your doctor for help and guidance. Taking care of yourself is the best way to honor yourself and your partner’s love for you, so reach out and get the support you need.
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