by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Volunteering and Mentoring
Donating your time, expertise, and service for the good of another is the essence of volunteerism. While the concept is increasing in popularity and trending among all age groups, volunteerism is rich in history, spanning from the battlefield to the inner city streets. Its focus has remained the same through the generations—to encourage goodness and improvement in humanity’s quality of life.
The Faces Behind Volunteerism
There are as many ways to volunteer your time as there are organizations that welcome it. Volunteering is not only a “feel-good” activity but an integral part of our communities as well. More than 60 million Americans serve as volunteers or mentors, donating more than eight billion hours of service each year.
With all that help, do they really need more? How would one more person really make a difference? Consider for a moment what would happen if volunteers just stopped serving. Homeless shelters would close. Food pantries would be empty. Community parks would be full of trash. The elderly might be forgotten. The visually impaired might not have trained service animals. Afterschool programs would cease to exist, leaving countless children susceptible to life on the streets. Without volunteers, the impact on our towns, schools, parks, museums, and faith-based institutions would be catastrophic.
What Do Volunteers Do?
Volunteers provide a variety of services and support throughout our nation. Some of the activities in which volunteers and mentors participate include answering phones, delivering meals, serving as volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians, working on political campaigns, caring and training animals, building homes and infrastructure, beautifying parks, and assisting with arts and cultural exhibits.
Volunteers who provide support and guidance to young people are known as mentors, and while mentoring can be a much bigger commitment than other types of service, it can also be even more rewarding. Check with your local schools, community non-profits, or faith community to find out more about mentoring opportunities and how you can start.
Why Volunteer?
Being able to make a difference in the life of another, and often your own as well, is one of the greatest advantages of volunteerism. It is also a healthy way to cope after the news of a disaster or tragedy of some kind. Believing it is a valuable part of education, many high schools across the country require students to volunteer a certain amount of hours in order to graduate. In addition, there are many other reasons to donate your time:
Time vs. Money
There is no denying it; volunteering or mentoring is a sacrifice. Anyone can write a check, but donated time is a great gift and a commodity we all have. How are you spending yours? You will never get back minute for minute the time you donate to volunteerism. But most volunteers would argue you receive much, much more in return.
If you are interested in making a difference through volunteerism, search out opportunities based on your interests and commitment levels at
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Time Management
Every human being has exactly 24 hours in every day, but how we spend those hours is our choice. Our responsibilities can range from work to family to everything in between, and without time management, it can seem as if we all have too much demand and not enough supply.
What is Time Management?
Time management is how you prioritize your waking hours to increase efficiency and productivity. At some point or another, every individual has to consider how he or she can best manage the minutes in his or her day. Countless books, websites, seminars, classes, and day-planners exist to squeeze the maximum value from each moment. Despite all the knowledge and devices we might own, sometimes it still feels like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish the demands. This often produces stress, leading to additional strains.
Time management is possible because time is relative. While clock time is exact, depending on what we are doing, time seems to move quickly or very slowly. Time is also relative when age is considered. A busy parent packing for tomorrow’s vacation might feel as if they blinked and the day was over. However, a child could feel ready to explode in anticipation and the waiting is nearly too much to bear. Time, therefore, is relative to our perceptions. Since it’s relative, time is manageable.
Time Management Tips
There is no shortage of material when searching for time management tools. Here are a few practical and proven strategies for timely success:
Time Management Principles
Organization- Despite the volume of time management information available, one component upon which most agree is organization. Though organization might seem like a costly time investment on the front-end, the benefits will far outweigh the overall costs.
It is nearly impossible to maximize your time effectively in a cluttered and disorderly workspace. Even with a well-ordered schedule, time will be lost searching for important documents or items, and tasks cannot be completed in a streamlined fashion.
Prioritizing- As long as there is time, there will always be a “tyranny of the urgent.” Some things may feel immediately pressing when ultimately, they might not be all that important. There is a key difference between being efficient and being effective. You may complete a multitude of tasks or answer many emails, but if they lack in priority, it’s somewhat for naught. Consider the motivation behind efficiency over effectiveness. Are you possibly procrastinating on important tasks simply to shorten a to-do list?
Goal setting- One can never underestimate the power of goal setting. Without a clear idea of what you hope to accomplish you can’t possibly know whether or not you have achieved success. Establishing a plan with clearly defined goals is critical for effective time management. When goal setting, remember these key elements: goals should be specific, attainable, and measurable. As you plan, you should be able to break your end-goal into steps and review your progress.
Positivity- One should never forget the power of a positive attitude. If you approach your goal thinking, “Why bother? I always fail,” you will probably never succeed. Staying positive and celebrating small goals will likely ensure greater victory in the long term. When you make mistakes or are not able to complete your goal, forgive yourself and start fresh.
Ultimately, time management is an art form and the quality of end-results outweighs the quantity. Budgeting time seems more important than ever before with the pace of most people’s lives. In addition to the satisfaction of time used wisely, you will also improve your goal setting, prioritizing, and organizing skills. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so how will you spend yours?
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Teaching Kids about Finances
Financial skills are necessary for a successful life, but often people don’t start to learn them until they reach adulthood. Personal finance and making smart financial decisions may not be included in your child’s school curriculum, but kids need to be taught about finances to prepare them for independence. Parents should guide their young ones in sound money management as they have the greatest influence on a child’s financial practices.
Finances and Family
Kids learn by doing. Research has indicated that children as young as three can understand the concept of saving and spending, and that children’s money habits are formed by age seven. Therefore, it is never too early to begin teaching your children about money. While it’s best to not share financial worries with your kids, talking with them about daily money decisions can be beneficial. For example, engage in conversation about what to buy at the grocery store, where you shop, and how you pay bills.
You can also show children how to handle money by implementing some form of an allowance. Not every task should require payment, so it’s good to have kids do some chores simply because they are part of the family. At the same time, paying your child for larger projects around the house can be a teaching tool for money management and helps to develop a strong work ethic. Consider developing a “401” account where you match every dollar they set aside in savings. Their excitement will build as they watch their account double whenever they choose to save instead of spend.
Lessons Through the Ages:
Children are ready to handle the beginning concepts of basic money management from preschool onward. Consider these financial tips through the stages of your child’s development:
Teaching your children about money is necessary and can also be fun. One of the best ways to help them learn is to engage them in the financial decision-making activities in your household. Simply lecturing about good money principles is not nearly as successful as hands-on experience. As an added bonus, you might discover something that will improve your own financial planning.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Talking to Young People about Tough Issues
The intensity of today’s life issues can be challenging for any adult, so discussing them with an adolescent can be even more complicated. Many parents feel inadequate talking through intimidating topics like sex, drug use, peer pressure, bullying, and teen pregnancy. The following tips on communication, parental reactions, and responsibilities can help you navigate conversations with a young person about the tough issues he or she could face:
Communication Strategies
Parental Reactions
Parental Responsibilities
Finally, it’s important to praise a teen when they are honest with you about tough issues. Help them understand that having a humble attitude and telling the truth will minimize a possible punishment. Remaining calm and nonjudgmental shows your child you’re a safe place and an ally, and they will be more likely to approach you with tough topics in the future.
[i] Strasburger, V. C. (2010). Sexuality, contraception, and the media. Pediatrics, 126(3), 576-582
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Successful Single Parenting
Households where one parent is managing the family without another present are becoming increasingly common. In the United States, the number of single parent families has doubled in the past 25 years. There are many reasons for single parenting. Some examples are the death of a spouse or partner, when two partners chose not to marry and only one raises the children, or when one parent is away for a period of time (military service, extended long-distance business, illness, incarceration, etc.).
Unique Single Parent Family Challenges
There may be challenges and drawbacks specific to single parent families. These can affect relationships, emotions, physical health and finances. Single parents may:
Single Parenting Strategies
Single parents and their children can grow up to be healthy, happy, and successful. The following relational, communication, and personal tips can help single parent homes flourish:
Finally, being a single parent doesn’t exclude you from taking care of yourself. Keep yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy to the best of your ability. You can’t be completely available to your children if you’re not getting proper rest, good nutrition, and regular exercise. When you engage in activities that give you energy and bring you joy, you model the self-compassion that will help you and your children succeed in life.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Self-Help Groups
When tragedy, crisis, or just everyday life cause problems to arise, people tend to lean on family and friends for support. However, sometimes it can be helpful to be with others who are dealing with the same issue, life situation, disease, or addiction. When a group of individuals who share a common problem get together to help each other heal, they form what is called a self-help, or support, group. The term “self-help” implies that the group members provide support to strengthen the individual to cope and problem-solve.
Purpose of Self-Help Groups
Self-help groups rely on self-disclosure. As long as the participants feel comfortable, they will share details and information regarding their situation. In addition, their feelings, worries, and attempts at healing or recovery are expressed. When individuals hear another person’s story, concerns, or successes and failures, they begin to feel accepted and less alone in their own life and situation. This is especially helpful, as many life circumstances, like a disability or illness, can feel isolating.
Types of Self-Help Groups
There is a vast variety of self-help groups available today. These can range from independent gatherings to programs that partner with a larger organization. Locations can also vary, including individual homes, hospitals, places of worship, schools and other non-profits or centers. Some self-help groups have a professional present to offer guidance and knowledge. Others follow a peer-led style. This type of support group is comprised of people who share the same problem or situation. Many people enjoy this style because “veterans” can help those newer to the group share their experiences and what’s working for them. In this approach, both the “veteran” and the newcomer benefit.
Self-Help Group Models
Alcoholics Anonymous is perhaps the most well known self-help model. Its 12-step program was later adopted and refashioned for other groups, such as: Narcotics Anonymous, Debtors Anonymous, and Overeaters Anonymous. Respecting confidentiality outside of meetings is a central tenet of this program. Groups are self-supporting and not reliant on outside means.
Other groups, specifically those addressing medical needs, provide information related to living with the disease or illness. You might also learn about who to contact or where to go for assistance and advocacy. Simply networking with other individuals or families who share the medical situation can be a life-giving source of encouragement.
People with less common life situations or diseases can find help through online support groups. Also, if one desires complete anonymity, seeking cyber-support can be a good option. Websites, chat rooms, and discussion boards offer 24-hour accessibility. These allow people to support one another in their unique circumstances at any time of day or night.
Joining a Self-Help Group
While a support group can be a wonderfully beneficial experience, finding the right one for you is key. The following five strategies will help you connect with a group to meet your individual needs:
Walking through life’s trials and struggles is difficult. Sharing the journey with another makes it a little easier to handle. The right self-help group can play a fundamental role in your healing and provide strength along the way.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Setting Healthy Goals
Every day we make choices about how to care for ourselves. Because the consequences of healthy choices don’t happen overnight, sometimes it can be difficult to make smart choices. We choose to fulfill our short-term wants, because we’re not quite sure how to plan for long-term goals.
Healthy change takes commitment and time. Setting goals is the most efficient way to accomplish a positive, healthy lifestyle. However, how you frame and specify those goals plays a huge role in the chances of success. Learning how to make specific, measurable, attainable, and forgiving goals sets you up for the life you desire.
Goal-Setting Strategies
Specific- Goals should clearly describe what you would like to change and how you’re going to do it. Often times, our goals are vague and too broad.
Measurable- How will you know you’re making progress if you don’t track it? The more you measure, the more you’ll encourage yourself to keep going and celebrate when you meet your goal.
Attainable- Goals should be realistic. Think about your time, finances, and abilities, and set small, attainable steps toward the larger goal. These might be daily, weekly, or monthly goals, so you don’t lose motivation quickly. Too large a goal will seem overwhelming.
Forgiving- Progress does not equal perfection. There will be days when emergencies or distractions occur, and you have to spend your time doing other tasks. Make allowances and practice self-compassion.
If you’re ready to get started, the best way to begin is to start saying your goals out loud. Tell people what you’re working toward and how you’ll get there. The more you share your goals and your motivation for a better, healthier life, the more you will believe you can achieve them.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a serious workplace offense that violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical contact that is sexual in nature. When sexual harassment happens, either implicitly or explicitly, an individual’s employment is affected. This behavior may interfere with the victim’s ability to do his or her work or create a hostile work environment.
Facts about Sexual Harassment
There are two types of sexual harassment:
Sexual harassers do not need to be the opposite gender of the victim. It can be a boss, coworker, or a nonemployee, but their behavior must be unwelcome. Direct victims are not just the people being harassed, as anyone affected by sexual harassment is a victim.
Effects of Sexual Harassment
Effects and consequences of sexual harassment are wide-ranging, both in how they impact the victim and the work environment.
Sexual harassment can also have an economic impact as the victim could lose his or her job, wages, or benefits. Sometimes an individual is fired for another circumstance, but the real reason is failing to comply with sexual demands. In other instances, a victim may be denied a promotion, demoted, or forced to relocate or placed in another position.
Another consequence can be victim blaming. This occurs when the harasser or other coworkers hold the victim responsible, either for the sexual harassment or the resulting conflicts after the behavior has been reported. Some people may feel the victim could have stopped the harassment or was “asking for it.”
How to Handle Sexual Harassment
In the event you or your coworkers are facing sexual harassment, it’s important to know you are not powerless. Follow these guidelines to help protect yourself and others:
After taking steps to find healing and closure, some sexual harassment victims choose to “pay it forward.” They might resolve to educate others about the dangers, behaviors, and effects of sexual harassment. Strategies might include writing about your experience, participating in a support group, or joining an organization that’s dedicated to fighting sexual harassment.
Victimization does not need to be the end of the story. If you or someone you know has been traumatized by sexual harassment, be courageous. Help is available through support groups, mental health professionals, and other community organizations.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Motivation and Goal-Setting
Staying motivated is important when it comes to setting and completing goals. When we combine our desires, our values, and our beliefs, we create motivation. Since we have influence over each of these three elements, we can therefore control our level of motivation. When you value something and choose to set realistic goals for attaining it, there will likely be a good outcome.
Steps to Get Motivated
Getting motivated begins with a choice. The following steps will help you generate the energy needed to take action:
Motivation Tips
When it comes to goals, it can be easy to get sidetracked or stalled. Consider these tips to gain and maintain your motivation:
Goal-Setting Steps
When it comes to setting goals, sometimes it can be hard just to know where to start. Consider the following guidelines when determining your new goal:
Learning to set and meet goals is a life-long process. When you achieve one goal, be sure to set time aside to celebrate the victory. Then, set your sights on a new objective, and include others in your process. Helping another get started on their journey is a great way to stay motivated and keep moving in the direction of your dreams.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Organizational Skills
Staying organized is essential to accomplishing our goals. When we streamline clutter and get rid of waste we can focus more of our resources on what we feel is most important in life. While organizational skills are necessary, different things work for different people. What does organization look like for you? You don’t need a complicated, color-coded system to organize your life if something else works better. To identify what organizational strategy works for you, just ask yourself a few important questions. As you respond, thoughtfully consider where your organizational strengths and areas for improvement can be found.
Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses
Tips to Stay Organized
Some people are naturally more organized than others. Even if you’re not characteristically structured and orderly, there are ways to learn this behavior. Here are several strategies for clutter removal, proper planning, and time management that can help you develop greater organizational skills:
Tackling Clutter
Plan of Success
Time Management
Finally, you might want to try and associate organization with positive feelings. While implementing organizational strategies, consider playing music that puts you in a good mood or having a picture of those you love or scenery you find peaceful on hand. You know you’ll feel good when the task is complete, and there isn’t any reason why you can’t enjoy your progress on the road to success.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Parenting and Positive Discipline
Parenting doesn’t need to be a war between you and your child. When it comes to discipline, there is a positive way to alter your child’s behavior without bribes and threats. Effective discipline is proactive, and it encourages positive actions and personal responsibility. It promotes your child’s self-esteem and appropriate development. Most importantly, positive discipline will strengthen the relationship between you, your child, and their siblings.
Why Children Misbehave
Kids truly do mean well and do their best to behave. Sometimes they’ll fall short of our behavioral expectations. When this occurs, it’s our job as parents to determine the reason behind the misbehavior. Consider why they might be acting out or hitting people, and what unmet needs might be underlying this behavior. There are several factors contributing to both your child’s behavior and your reaction. Consider the following:
Positive Discipline Strategies
Positive discipline trains children to behave without resorting to bribes, threats, yelling, or even physical actions. The following strategies will teach you how to channel your child’s energy (and yours) into a more desirable outcome:
Raising healthy, well-behaved children takes time, consistency, and patience. Long-term habits in anyone’s life require time, and children are no exception. The best results are not always immediate. Stick with it and continue reinforcing your commitment. Loving your child is always a worthwhile investment with life-long returns.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Modeling Good Sportsmanship
Children aren’t magically born with the ability to be a good sport. While playing fair is a learned skill, modeling good sportsmanship happens when we demonstrate what we teach. When parents and adults discuss and model appropriate play on and off the field, children will learn from their example.
Chances are you’ve witnessed that one parent at a kids’ sporting event. They’re the one who’s a little too into the game and out of control. They yell, tear down their children, rant at officials, and possibly use obscenities in the crowd. With their taunting, they disrespect a player’s need to concentrate. It’s an uncomfortable situation at best, and the behavior can also embarrass a child.
Why Play?
Is it easier to avoid sports altogether? Not necessarily. The simple answer is not to discourage your child against playing any sports, but be mindful that when it comes to good sportsmanship, there is no quick fix. Poor behavior in sports is a much broader issue when you think about those modeling it. Children might see defiance against officials, trash talking, and violence when they watch professional athletes on TV or in person. While these athletes may incur fines, they are still heroes admired by many children and even some adults.
There are plenty of reasons to continue encouraging your kids to play sports. When paired with a coach and adults modeling appropriate play and rules of the game, children learn much more than the mechanics of soccer or baseball. Both on and off the field, these individuals often shape the moral and ethical character of your child. A good coach recognizes that winning isn’t everything. Healthy character development is one of the major positive byproducts of a coach who emphasizes good sportsmanship.
Good Sportsmanship Guidelines
Demonstrating appropriate behavior on the field, and even in the workplace, is fundamental. It not only encourages a healthy play or work environment, but it also models for adults and children the values of respect, character, and the worth of every human being. Here are a few tips beyond cheering and clapping to coach you to good sportsmanship:
Remember, the best way to ensure a fun and healthy season is to practice the “golden rule” of sports, which is to treat others the way you’d like to be treated. This applies to teammates, opponents, coaches, and parents. Criticism and poor behavior will never earn a win, but modeling good sportsmanship is a sure strategy for success in your child’s life, both on and off the field.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Resiliency in the Workplace
Wherever you work you will eventually find yourself in a stressful situation. Having bounce back potential, or resilience, is a key element to coping with it. Resilience is a person’s ability to adapt and grow after stressful events. When life hands you an unfortunate circumstance or a setback, are you able to adjust? Resilience is also at work when an individual chooses to follow through when there is pressure to give up or quit. You are able to see past the obstacles in your life, even if the problems don’t go away. Resilience is necessary in the workplace for employees to cope with people, events within the organization, and with outside events that impact the organization.
Resilience Threats
Workplace stress threatens our wellbeing from a variety of angles. The work culture, interactions within our jobs, and issues in our own personal life may cause serious stress.
Resilience Benefits
Being a resilient person does not make you a superhuman. You will still face physical and emotional reactions to life’s traumas and setbacks. However, the ability to bounce back allows you to continue functioning while also reaching out for help if needed.
The benefits of resiliency on the job extend to both the employee and the internal workplace dynamics. The employee enjoys increased job satisfaction, less stress, greater happiness, motivation to perform well, and lower risk of anxiety and depression. Your workplace atmosphere will also benefit from resilience through higher productivity, more motivated employees, increased morale and creativity, and less staff sickness and turnover.
Building Resilience:
While resilience is not necessarily something you are born with, some people do have a natural bounce back ability. As a learned skill, here are some tips to growing in resilience and retaining that expertise.
If you are struggling to bounce back from the stressors in your life, be courageous and ask for help when needed. Talk to your human resources staff about what supports are available for you within your organization, or consider meeting with a licensed mental health professional. With the right plan and attitude, you’ll learn to bounce back better when the next problem arises.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Safe Dating Guidelines
Starting a new relationship is always exciting, but sometimes dating can be a little scary or confusing. There are a variety of ways to meet people, from social settings to social media. Navigating how and when you meet takes some thinking. When it comes to dating, here are some practical rules for a safe and meaningful experience:
In addition, these helpful guidelines apply to online dating scenarios and your first date:
Online Dating
Your First Date
Applying these guidelines to any new relationship will help you have safe and mature experiences. When you feel safe and comfortable, you are more likely to make the best decisions for yourself and have the most fun as you meet new people.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Improving Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is having respect or confidence in yourself and how you interpret your abilities, appearance, and/or attributes. It reflects an overall sense of value or worth, and it affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Often words such as self-worth, self-image, and self-respect are used interchangeably with self-esteem. In short, a healthy self-esteem accepts and values you for exactly who you are, even your flaws.
Self-esteem impacts every area of our lives, including our mental and emotional health and how we operate at work and in relationships. Your level of self-esteem also varies throughout different stages of life. If high school was a particularly difficult period of your life, your self-image may have been lower than it is now. Perhaps getting older is causing lower self-esteem than how you once viewed yourself. Our self-perception is often linked with how others have treated us in the past. We might make past or current judgments about ourselves based on those experiences.
Along the spectrum of self-esteem, some people have a high sense of self-worth. Others find they have very low self-esteem, possibly facing symptoms of depression or anxiety. Feeling inadequate, unlovable, and/or unworthy may accompany a lower self-image. If you find yourself on the low end of the self-image spectrum, it is important to remember you are not alone. This could be a symptom of depression, and your doctor or mental health professional can help.
Determining Self-Esteem Levels
There are some useful ways to determine where your self-esteem levels are. Consider these possibilities:
Improving Self-Esteem
If you are looking to better your self-image, here are several practical steps to follow as you take inventory of your thoughts:
Taking Care of Yourself
Learning to change how you interpret life takes energy. Taking time every day to care for yourself will help you feel healthy, and when you feel good you are more likely to be positive about yourself and your abilities. Listen to your body, get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. Take time for activities and people you enjoy most. A simple way to enjoy life and stay positive is to help someone else.
Rearranging your thoughts and learning to take care of your body takes time and practice. The more you challenge your negative thoughts and habits, the more confident you will feel in yourself and your actions. When you are positive about yourself, you will have a positive impact on the world around you.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Regardless of the circumstances divorce is a significant loss, and people grieve the loss of a marriage in many ways. You might feel shocked, depressed, or angry at what occurred. Many times people experience guilt for things they wish they had done or said differently. In any divorce situation, it’s important to give yourself time to grieve. There’s no need to push away your emotions, and there isn’t a timeline for when you should “snap out of it.” Talking with a counselor or support group is a great way to work through your grief.
Life after Divorce
Though it may be difficult to grasp, there is hope and life after a divorce. The following tips offer practical wisdom during this transition:
Children and Divorce
The majority of divorces occur where there are children under the age of 18. Because parents represent a sense of security for a child, it can become scary and confusing when they see their parent(s) hurting or distracted. Many parents worry about how divorce will impact their children. The following information will help you guide your kids through the transition of life after a divorce:
Divorce never affects only one person. It’s painful and difficult, but there is help available. Be courageous and seek out therapy, family counseling, or support groups. Allow the experiences of others to help you in this transition time.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Compulsive Gambling
Humans can become addicted to many different behaviors and gambling is no exception. Many people are able to gamble recreationally with little to no lasting effects. However, others find the thrill of gambling addictive and return to it time and again despite incurring great costs in terms of their relationships, financial security and general wellbeing.
What is Gambling?
There are a variety of ways and reasons a person gambles. While many people do gamble without causing significant problems, some develop problem gambling. Problem gambling is defined as causing harm to the gambler or someone else, like a family member. Even though a person may want to stop, the initial behavior leads to the more serious, compulsive gambling. When someone struggles with compulsive gambling it causes problems in multiple areas of his or her life.
Bingo, lottery tickets, casino games, online poker, and going to the racetrack are all examples of gambling. Obviously, not everyone who gambles becomes addicted. There is no easy formula for determining who develops an addiction to gambling. Studies have indicated, however, that it is a combination of environmental, genetic, and biological factors.
Determining a Gambling Problem
How do you know if you have a more serious gambling problem? The following list of signs indicates the potential for gambling problems:
Studies have found that between two and four percent of Americans are problem gamblers. Gambling problems, according to some researchers, are more prevalent than alcohol dependence.
Access and Impact
Gambling is more prevalent than ever before because people have constant access to the thrill of the behavior through the Internet. Beginning to gamble at an early age also increases the risk of developing gambling problems later in life. Addictions are more common in men and those of lower socioeconomic status. Like any addiction, compulsive gambling affects other aspects of life.
Help and Hope
A compulsive gambling addiction does not need to be the last round in the game of life. There are many professional treatment options as well as support groups like Gamblers Anonymous. You can also ask your doctor or a mental health professional for support. Before your first appointment, prepare yourself by considering these questions and steps:
Freedom from a compulsive gambling addiction is possible and available to you. Learning and maintaining alternative ways of coping with life will help aid in the recovery process. To start, you can make a list of all the risks you take when you gamble. Are the costs to you and your loved ones outweighing the potential benefits? Those with a compulsive gambling addiction will more than likely answer yes to this question.
Finally, remind yourself there is no shame in asking for help. Determination and will power are often not powerful enough to overcome the gambling impulse, and you are not alone in this struggle. Help is available, along with the hope of a better life. The benefits of taking control over gambling addictions of all levels are exceedingly more valuable than any payout.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Coworkers Facing Grief Together
Grief is a natural part of life. Whether it’s expected or sudden, we will all face loss at some point. It’s common to experience grief in our workplace as well as our personal lives. Many workplaces do not address how to deal with the death of a coworker, and usually there is no company handbook dedicated to the grieving process. Everyone will deal with the loss of a coworker differently. Some coworkers become like family to us, while others we may not know very well. Regardless of the reaction, there are ways to grieve together and process the loss without disrupting work functions.
What is Workplace Grief?
Grief is our reaction to a loss of any kind. Typically, there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Everyone reacts differently, and there is no timetable for grief. If left unprocessed, grief may lead to problems with anxiety or depression.
There are several types of loss within the workplace. Death, retirement, unemployment, personal injury, and transitioning to a different position or location are all examples of a workplace loss. When facing the death of a coworker, there can be additional variables that influence the reaction, such as the age of the deceased, how long they worked there, whether it was sudden, and the nature of the relationships they had within the workplace.
Struggling with Grief
Coworkers who are struggling with grief typically display some of the following symptoms:
Occasionally, an employer may offer flexibility with work hours for a grieving employee. This may prove helpful, but it’s important to recognize that some people find the daily work routine to be a necessary distraction or aid in the healing process.
Handling the Death of a Coworker
Grief is a universal response, but no two people will handle loss exactly the same. The following tips may help you work through your pain and give the permission needed to grieve:
After a significant loss in the workplace, it’s important to take care of yourself. Be mindful to get the proper amount of sleep, seek out the support you need, and practice stress-reducing activities. Often times helping another through his or her own struggle can provide peace during yours.
No one should determine what is “grief-worthy” for another. If you or a coworker feels stuck in a grieving cycle, consider talking with someone in your human resources department, your doctor, a religious leader, or a mental health professional.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Child
Losing a child is the most devastating pain a parent could face. The future is forever changed and the grieving may last a lifetime. There are many types of loss including miscarriage, stillbirth, kidnapping, violence, accidents, and illness. Even the death of an adult child can devastate a parent, as it is unnatural for a parent to outlive their child.
What is Parental Grief?
While everyone experiences loss to some capacity, the grief process is unique. No two people will grieve the same way, and each person’s timetable for healing will differ. Many factors influence parental grieving. Cultural norms, religious beliefs, and the specifics of how the child died can all influence how a parent grieves his or her child. Some instances such as an illness or accident, are a visible loss of a child, while a miscarriage can be a less visible, but no less painful, separation.
There are typically five main stages of grief a person experiences. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Grieving is intensely personal, and no one should determine what is “grief-worthy” for another. There are also many underlying layers of grief. Parents will mourn the child, but they will also experience additional feelings of loss, such as the child’s smell, voice, laugh, cry, the future memories never to be made, etc.
Symptoms of Parental Grief
Losing a child can result in a number of emotional responses. Parents can be depressed, angry, shocked or confused. Many struggle with feelings of guilt and fear for their other children’s health or safety. Some parents may resent families with healthy children, feel that life is meaningless, or question their faith and beliefs. They can become angry with their spouse for grieving and coping differently than they do.
There are a variety of physical symptoms that can accompany grief. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, and fatigue are common grief effects. Some parents may no longer enjoy activities that once brought great pleasure, and if symptoms worsen, they may even contemplate suicide.
Helping the Grieving Process
Though parents will always mourn the loss of a child, healing is possible. The following is a list of helpful insights for grieving parents:
Mourning the loss of a child will not go away overnight. The pain may last a lifetime, but there are ways to find meaning after the loss. Consider how you might want to honor your child’s life and create a lasting legacy to honor them. Some might hold a memorial service, volunteer, or contribute to a cause their child appreciated. Any way that reminds a grieving parent of their child in a healthy, positive manner will help their transition process toward acceptance.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Preventing Violence at Work
Workplace violence is becoming increasingly prevalent. Almost two million American workers report that they are victims of workplace violence every year; and many more incidents are never formally documented. Some workplaces have a higher chance of violence, but the risks are present even in non-hostile environments.
Workplace Violence Defined
Any act or threat of physical violence or intimidation at work is classified as workplace violence; meaning harassment or other behaviors that disrupt the workplace. Examples include any form of a true threat, verbal abuse, physical assault, and even homicide. In short, workplace violence is any behavior that is disruptive, threatening, and/or violent.
High-Risk Workplaces
Some workplaces are at a higher risk of violence due to the location and nature of the job. Healthcare professionals, public service employees, customer service representatives, and law enforcement officers are all considered to have a higher-risk workplace. Other jobs with a higher likelihood of violence include businesses where money or alcohol is exchanged with the public, services that work with volatile or unpredictable people, or jobs that require late-night hours or are located in a high crime area. Working alone or in an isolated place can also pose a greater threat of workplace violence.
Indicators of Potential Risk
Hindsight is always 20/20, but there are obvious signs of potential workplace risks. The following are all signs that could point to a viable threat of violence:
Diffusing Potentially Violent Behavior
Emotions and situations can quickly escalate when people blame others or feel confused, frustrated, and angry. The following information suggests how to dial down potentially violent workplace behavior.
Workplace Violence Prevention
The most effective way to eliminate workplace violence is to prevent it. The following are four strategies for preventing violence, protecting workers, and creating a peaceful work environment:
If you are an employer, take every security measure necessary to create a safe working environment for your employees. For employees, share your ideas regarding workplace safety with your supervisor or employer. If you are one of the two million victims of workplace violence, seek counseling. Even witnesses to violence might need to reach out for help. Check with your human resources department, a licensed therapist, or another health professional to get the support you need.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Coping with Grief and Loss
The chance of experiencing loss in your lifetime is 100 percent. Everyone encounters significant loss at some point, and grief is the emotional reaction to that loss. Whether you face the death of a beloved family member or pet, see a marriage or job crumble, or watch your health or finances diminish, some level of grieving will occur. In fact, anything valuable has the capacity for loss and the corresponding grief attached.
Grief is both universal and unique in its nature. Two people experiencing the same loss might react very differently depending on their relationship to whom or what is being grieved. Some people engage in anticipatory grief, which occurs before an actual loss. This is commonly seen with a dying friend or family member, an upcoming move, or impending divorce. This type of grieving is a means of self-protection and preparation for the actual loss.
There are many physical and emotional symptoms of the grieving process. Many individuals face sleeplessness, weight loss or gain, or a weakened immune system. Chronic illnesses may become worse due to the stress of grieving. Emotional responses may range from sadness, guilt, fear, or anxiety to moments of relief, peace, or even happiness.
The Five Stages of Grief
While there is no normal or expected grief response, there are five common stages, observed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, through which many people walk. These stages include:
Common Myths about Grief
No two individuals will follow the same grief path or timetable. Some people adjust quickly to their new environment. Others will take several months or years, especially if their daily life is vastly different, or the loss was a shock or trauma. Grieving is an intensely personal experience, and no one should determine what is grief-worthy for another. There is no “normal” or standard protocol that fits everyone. Here are some other common misconceptions:
Ways to Cope with Loss
There are many useful ways to move from a place of grief to a life of healing and hope.
Moving Onward
Accepting a “new normal” is the key to understanding grief. Despite the old adage, time will help, but it will not completely cure the pain of loss. Coming to a place of greater awareness and acceptance of this new identity is the final stop, or perhaps, just the beginning, on the road to life after loss.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Parent
Even though we know we are supposed to outlive our parents, nothing can quite prepare us for the shock and sadness we feel when they pass. Whether their death is sudden or drawn out with illness, there may be unresolved issues that influence our grief. Perhaps, you didn’t get the chance to talk with your dad one last time before his passing. Or maybe your mother’s death occurred right before a holiday, wedding, birthday, or other special event. It is natural to be affected by the grieving process, regardless of the circumstances or age of your parent.
Common Feelings after Losing a Parent
Even if you are an adult when your parent passes, you will still struggle through some common emotions associated with grief. Many children, even grown ones, feel confusion about their new identity and role in the family. You may feel as though no one will ever love you the way your mom or dad did. If your other parent is alive, it might become your responsibility to care for them, especially in their grief. Other common emotions might include guilt for what you didn’t say or do, frustration with the new tasks you’ve assumed, and uncertainty dealing with legal and financial matters.
When both parents are gone, it’s natural for a person to feel like an adult orphan. Your identity might change, as well as your role. Suddenly, you might find yourself to be a member of the oldest living generation in your family. You might feel an overwhelming desire to carry on your parents’ values and traditions or maybe start new ones.
Processing Grief Differently
Everyone will experience grief and loss at some point, but no two people will process it the same way. After the loss of a parent, some people aren’t sure how to respond. People may not understand why you are grieving if your parent lived a long life. Others who have already lost a parent may step in and support you with comforting words and kind acts. Your siblings may also be struggling with your parent’s death, but they might grieve in an entirely different manner.
Coping with Grief
There is no correct way to grieve and no universal timeline for it. Grief will look different for everyone. However, the following are a few considerations for taking care of yourself when you lose a parent:
Many times loss is unexpected. And even when we’re anticipating it, we might not be prepared for how we will react. When we are grieving, we are more likely to stop or minimize healthy habits. Much of the healing process, however, is related to good self-care. Taking the time to get proper rest, eat well, and exercise regularly is essential to your healing after you experience a loss. These healthy choices will help you transition to a place of hope after a loss, and will serve to honor your parents’ wishes for your health and happiness.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Loss of a Partner
The death of your spouse or partner can change your entire world. You lose the person you loved, the role they played in your family, and your life’s daily routine. You might miss their financial stability and emotional support, and perhaps your spouse or partner was your best friend. Whatever your partner represented to you, the pain of loss is real.
Physical and Emotional Effects of Grief
Though grief and loss is a universal experience, no two people will process grief the same. There’s no right way to grieve or a timetable to do so. Mourning a loss affects our physical bodies as well as our emotions. You might experience changes in sleeping and eating patterns or feel fatigued and low on energy. In addition, work and other tasks might become difficult as you struggle to concentrate.
When you grieve, you also feel a number of emotions, such as shock, fear of the unknown, anger that they died before you did, or guilt that you could have done more. Many people experience remorse for not being there when their spouse passed, or might feel unsafe coming home to an empty house.
Healthy Grieving Ideas
Grief and loss happen to everyone. Some choose positive coping methods, while others cause further distress by choosing negative ways to process their grief. These individuals might shut others out, make hasty decisions, or turn to alcohol or drugs. The following physical, emotional, and social tips offer healthy grieving ideas:
Grieving the loss of a spouse or partner is a process and won’t happen overnight. Find friends and family members whom you can talk to about your feelings. Ask for assistance with household duties, or have someone help you go through personal items and your partner’s clothes. Consider joining a support group, talking with a therapist, or visiting your doctor for help and guidance. Taking care of yourself is the best way to honor yourself and your partner’s love for you, so reach out and get the support you need.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Identifying Troubled Children
Often children are unable to cope positively with change or stress in their lives. These transitions can leave them feeling frustrated and angry, and they can behave in ways that indicate they are at risk for emotional and social difficulties.
Predictors of Behavioral Problems
Negative behavioral patterns in children can be linked to the following three main areas within a child’s life:
Early Warning Signs
Not every kid who exhibits one or more of these signs is a troubled child. However, it’s important to consider these early warning signs:
Helping Troubled Children
Identifying and helping children with behavioral problems is not one person’s responsibility. It takes a community of people who are committed to looking for warning signs, as prevention is the most effective strategy. The following tools can guide you to help troubled children:
Identifying a troubled child is not assigning them a lifelong diagnosis. Children with behavioral problems don’t have to become troubled adults. Mental health professionals and school staff are available to teach positive ways to cope with life stressors as a child transitions to adolescence or adulthood. The best strategy for success is surrounding yourself with a team of individuals who are willing and able to support both you and your child.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
When a person is codependent they are unable to define and meet their own needs in a relationship. This individual “loses” their sense of self because they are completely absorbed in the needs of the other person in a relationship, who often is struggling with addiction or illness. This intense focus on the other person can jeopardize one’s health, safety, and success in life.
Codependence is commonly seen in romantic relationships, although any relationship can take on the negative traits of codependence. You can see evidence of codependence in parent and child relationships, between siblings and among coworkers.
How do people become codependent?
No one is born codependent. A newborn baby is completely dependent on a caregiver, whereas a codependent person learns this behavior. It can be passed down through the generations by observing other family members and modeling their codependent behavior. Codependent people are sometimes known as “relationship addicts” because the connection is unhealthy, destructive, and one-sided.
People who have addiction (drug, alcohol, food, gambling, etc.) in their family history are more likely to become codependent. Additionally, when physical, sexual, or emotional abuse has occurred the risk of emotional dependence escalates. Mental illness is also a commonality among codependent people.
Characteristics of Codependent People
Codependent people struggle to define who they are and what their purpose is in life. They see their place in this world solely through the lens of their codependent relationship. Despite their genuine care and concern for the other person in the relationship, they will take on the role of a martyr or victim and are drawn to others with the same mindset.
Codependents are inclined to do whatever is needed to erase or minimize the consequences from their partner’s destructive behaviors. This keeps the codependent individual on a damaging course. Codependents use others’ addictive behavior as an excuse to avoid communication and closeness with those who could help them.
There are many emotional characteristics of codependent people. A person may not exhibit all these traits, but there will be some signs of imbalance such as:
Help for the Codependent Person
The following helpful tips can help you or someone you know step away from codependent tendencies:
If you or your loved one is struggling with codependency, be courageous and seek help. A licensed counselor or therapist can help you explore how you began to act this way. They can guide you to see healthy and unhealthy patterns in relationships. Together, you can establish a plan to change your life’s direction and move from a codependent relationship to a mutually satisfying one.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Grief and Loss: Anticipatory Grief
Everyone experiences loss at some point in life. Grief is universal, but no two people will process it exactly the same. Sometimes we can see a loss is coming before it happens. Our reaction to this approaching event is known as anticipatory grief. Researchers claim that the period time before a loss can be just as difficult, if not more, than that the time after the loss.
Anticipatory grief may be felt before a child goes away to college. Others may experience grief before a change in job, completion of school, or retirement. Losing physical abilities like sight, hearing, or mobility can trigger these emotions. The most common reason for anticipatory grief is the upcoming death of a loved one from a terminal illness, such as cancer or dementia.
Changes from Anticipatory Grief
When a loved one’s death is near, you’re not only experiencing the loss of a person. You are also facing upcoming changes, like the shift of your role in the family. For example, if your aging mother passes away, you might become a companion and caregiver to your aging father. Or perhaps you will grieve your identity as your mother’s daughter. Financial changes, positive or negative, can affect your life after loss as well. When death is looming, you may also grieve the loss of dreams and what could have been.
Anticipatory Grief Symptoms
We will all experience anticipatory grief in life. However, understanding this reality doesn’t minimize the pain. The most prominent symptom is anticipating or dreading the loss to come. Your thoughts may nag at you. Worries about what life will look like after the loss are common. You might spend your time thinking through how you’ll transition and cope with the upcoming loss.
There are also physical and emotional responses to anticipatory grief:
Positive Ways to Cope
There are healthy and unhealthy ways of coping with anticipatory grief. The following tools can provide you with positive suggestion to prepare for the upcoming loss:
Anticipatory Grief of a Loved One’s Death
Mourning, loss, and anticipatory grief need not be experienced alone. Some individuals seek spiritual comfort in this difficult time and find solace and strength in their community of faith. Many individuals benefit from participating in support groups that address a specific type of loss. As always, seek help as needed through your medical doctor or a licensed therapist or counselor. Anticipatory grief is real, but there are supports in place to help guide you through the transition.
by Lyle Labardee April 04, 2020
Helping Potentially Violent Children
Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint when a child is struggling emotionally. Those who act out in a violent manner are easier to identify, but what can we do before it escalates to this point? Is it possible to help a potentially violent child redirect their emotions and prevent a negative and destructive action?
Causes for Violent Children
There are many reasons a child may resort to violence. When kids are angry, frustrated, or afraid, they may believe that hurting themselves or others is the only answer to their problems. In an effort to protect themselves or to control others, violent children act on their anger and fear. Some children turn to violence as a means to get what they want, while others use it to exact revenge when someone has harmed them or their loved one. Other kids simply learn violence from their upbringing and environment.
Signs of a Violent Child
Anger is not a guarantee that a child will turn to violence. While it can certainly be an indicator, there are many historical factors that suggest the potential for violent behavior. Early childhood abuse or neglect, as well as a failure to empathize with others, are historical signs of a violent child. When children have frequent run-ins with authority, a history of aggression and vandalism, a record of being cruel to animals, or parents who condone violence, they are at a higher risk of acting out their negative emotions. Some kids are bullied, and out of resentment they become violent. Lastly, those suffering from mental illness may, knowingly or not, resort to violence.
Certain behaviors can also indicate the possibility of future violence. These risk factors include drug and alcohol use, access to weapons, gang affiliation (or a desire to be in one), isolation, and a decline in school performance. A child who easily loses their temper and makes a plan to commit violence is well on their way to a destructive path. If they communicate, by any means, a plan for violence, contact parents, school officials, and authorities immediately.
Planning and Prevention
Helping potentially violent children can be challenging, but it is possible to make a significant difference in their lives. The following information will provide you with some strategies to prevent violent acts and to provide positive alternatives for the child:
Plan of Action
Just like anyone else, a potentially violent child needs to hear good feedback when a wise choice is made. Offer praise and encouragement when they make a non-violent and good decision. Focus on the positive, instead of solely punishing the negative behaviors. The best way to impact a potentially violent child is to model wise choices. Your actions will speak the loudest message of all.
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